Quest:Túmir's Great Adventure

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Túmir's Great Adventure
Level 97
Type Solo
Starts with Túmir
Starts at Gladion's Home
Start Region Lamedon
Map Ref [63.3S, 59.8W]
Ends with Fuirion
Ends at Gladion's Home
End Region Lamedon
Map Ref [63.3S, 59.8W]
Quest Chain Dínadab
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'I think I know what will help my uncle feel better. We always go on adventures together when he can take time away from his farm work. So I've been planning our next adventure.

'I made a treasure map, but I will tell him I found it buried in a chest. And I made a sword out of a stick, but we don't have to tell him that it's not a real sword. I think he'll not be able to tell the difference.

'Now I just need some rocks to fill my coin-purse, and we can pretend it is treasure, and bury it where the map says!'


Túmir, in hopes to cheer up his uncle Fuirion and help him heal faster, has planned a treasure-seeking adventure that they can do together when Fuirion is recovered.

Objective 1

  • Collect the treasure-map (0/1)
  • Collect the stick-sword (0/1)
  • Collect small rocks to use as play treasure (0/6)

Túmir's treasure-map and stick-sword can be found in his bedroom. The small stones can be collected outside the house.

You should collect everything Túmir asked for.

You have collected Túmir's hand-drawn treasure map
You have collected the crude stick-sword carved by Túmir

Objective 2

  • Bring the toys and treasure map to Túmir

Túmir is in his father's home in northern Lamedon.

You should bring everything you gathered to Túmir.

Túmir: 'Perfect! You should show my uncle what I did for him!'

Objective 3

Fuirion is in Gladion's home in northern Lamedon.

You should bring Túmir's gift to Fuirion.

Fuirion: 'Oh, Túmir. Our adventuring days are over now, one way or another.'
Fuirion turns his head away from the humble pile of gifts and closes his eyes against the tears that have begun to well there.