Quest:Instance: A Life Hangs on a Thread

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Instance: A Life Hangs on a Thread
Level 98
Type Solo
Starts with Hebil
Starts at Tathrendalf
Start Region Lamedon
Map Ref [62.1S, 56.9W]
Quest Chain Dínadab
Reflecting Pool West Gondor Reflecting Pool
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

A Life Hangs on a Thread
The Corsairs camped in Lamedon have wounded Fuirion badly, and his life hangs on a thread while they look on in mirth.


Fuirion's life hangs on a thread, and Hebil, a cruel Corsair captain, stands in the way of his rescue.

Objective 1

Hebil stands over Fuirion in the middle of the corsairs' encampment.

You should speak with Hebil.

Hebil: 'Can't you see this fool has a death wish? I will see that his wish is granted. Every so often he murmurs about some woman, some great love, I am sure. "Limril, Limril", he calls. Is he a spurned lover? It does not matter to me. It is a death sentence to walk into this camp, as you both will soon find out.'

Objective 2

  • Try to reason with Hebil

Hebil stands over Fuirion in the middle of the corsairs' encampment.

You should try to reason with Hebil.

Corsair Thug says, "Got another one, boss!"
Hebil says, "Indeed!"
Gladion says, "Let us go! I only came for my brother. We will leave, and trouble you no more."
Fuirion attempts to stand
Fuirion says, "Unh...Gladion...."
Hebil says, "How sweet. I am truly touched! Kill them, boys."

Objective 3

  • Defend yourself against the attacking Corsairs

Defend yourself against the attacking Corsairs.

Hebil says, "You shall not leave here alive. We are here to conquer Gondor."
Hebil says, "You have come to the wrong place seeking mercy."
Hebil says, "That's enough!"
Hebil says, "This ends now. Your interference amused me at first, but no more."
Fuirion attempts to join the fray
Fuirion says, "Get away from my brother!"
Hebil says, "Die now!"
Fuirion says, "Unhh...."
Gladion says, "Fuirion, no!"
Hebil says, "Must get away while the curs are distracted...."

Objective 4

Gladion is at the Corsair encampment in northern Lamedon.

You should speak with Gladion.

Gladion: 'No, no, Fuirion, my brother... His wounds were too much, he was too weak!'
Instance: A Life Hangs on a Thread
Gladion: Gladion's anguish is severe. It is best that you return to Dinadab....