Quest:A Niece's Love

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A Niece's Love
Level 97
Type Solo
Starts with Míreth
Starts at Gladion's Home
Start Region Lamedon
Map Ref [63.3S, 59.8W]
Ends with Fuirion
Ends at Gladion's Home
End Region Lamedon
Quest Chain Dínadab
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Fuirion is always very kind to me when I am sick, so I would like to be kind to him now that HE is sick.

'My doll cheers me up, so I think Fuirion must borrow her while he is in bed. And maybe you could pick some nice flowers for him, because everyone likes flowers when they're sick. And our favourite book, the one he used to read to me so often... it is open where he left off. Perhaps I could read to him this time!'


Míreth hopes to share her most treasured belongings with Fuirion in order to cheer him up.

Objective 1

  • Collect Míreth's doll (0/1)
  • Collect Míreth's book (0/1)
  • Collect wildflowers (0/4)

Míreth's doll and book can be found in her bedroom. The flowers can be collected outside the house.

You should collect everything Míreth asked for.

You have collected Míreth's favourite doll
You have collected the book Míreth and Fuirion read together

Objective 2

Míreth is in her father's home in northern Lamedon.

You should bring everything you gathered to Míreth.

Míreth: 'Oh, yes! This will do nicely for my uncle. I am not allowed inside, says Mama. Will you bring these to Fuirion for me, and tell him I want him to get well soon?'

Objective 3

Fuirion is in Gladion's home in northern Lamedon.

You should bring Míreth's gift to Fuirion.

Fuirion: 'That sweet girl. No, no more. I can see them no more. No more reading books, no more flowers. No dolls! Take them away. I cannot bear to look upon them. I will be gone soon, and they must learn to never think of me.'
Fuirion's pain is deep, and it is not the wound that causes the pale, drawn look on his face.