Quest:Skirmish Assault: Strongholds of the Free Peoples

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Skirmish Assault: Strongholds of the Free Peoples
Level ...
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Nedda Pinleaf
Starts at Bree Skirmish Camp or The Twenty-first Hall or Ost Galadh
Quest Group Skirmish Assault
Quest Chain Ill Omens
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue


'I've heard tell that the Harbingers of the Dead have been spotted near several strongholds of the Free Peoples.

'Let's get out there and stop them!'


Harbingers of the Dead are assaulting the strongholds of the Free Peoples of Middle-earth.

NOTE: This quest will be removed from your quest log when the event it is associated with ends.

Objective 1

Nedda Pinleaf has asked you to seek out Harbingers of the Dead near the Strongholds of the Free Peoples.

NOTE: Harbingers of the Dead can be found in the following skirmishes: Defence of the Prancing Pony, Thievery and Mischief, Trouble on Tuckborough, Siege of Gondamon, Stand at Amon Sûl, and Doom of Caras Gelebren. You only need to complete four of the six listed quests today to advance this quest.

Objective 2

Nedda Pinleaf can be found at the skirmish camps of Bree, Ost Galadh, and the Twenty-first Hall. You should talk to Nedda Pinleaf.

Nedda Pinleaf: 'Very good, <name>! That ought to keep them away from those folk for a bit!'