Quest:Skelstrand: Clattering Claws

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Skelstrand: Clattering Claws
Level 137
Type Solo
Starts with Landscape
Starts at Skelstrand
Start Region Gloomingtarn
Map Ref [47.1S, 121.3W]
Ends with Remote Advance
End Region Gloomingtarn
Quest Group Gundabad: Gloomingtarn
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

While exploring the shallow pools of Skelstrand on the western shore of Durthuzâram, you have encountered a number of maddened, hostile ukhrâsh. Although most of the ukhrâsh in Gloomingtarn are of a more docile nature, these maddened ukhrâsh pose a threat to the efforts of the Gabil'akkâ.

You should cull the numbers of the maddened ukhrâsh at Skelstrand and drive them back into Durthuzâram.


Disturbed by the arrival of the Iron Crown and Orcs in Gloomingtarn, maddened ukhrâsh have swelled onto the banks of Durthuzâram to claw at unwary explorers.

Objective 1

Maddened ukhrâsh can be found along the banks of Durthuzâram at Skelstrand in Gloomingtarn.

Disturbed by the arrival of the Iron Crown and Orcs in Gloomingtarn, maddened ukhrâsh have swelled onto the banks of Durthuzâram at Skelstrand. You should defeat the maddened ukhrâsh at Skelstrand.

Defeated maddened ukhrâsh (8/8)

Objective 2

  • Complete

You have defeated many of the maddened ukhrâsh at Skelstrand and driven them back into Durthuzâram.

You have done well to drive off the maddened ukhrâsh at Skelstrand. Once the Iron Crown and Orcs are driven from the hallowed caverns of Gloomingtarn, the Dwarves of the Gabil'akkâ hope that all of the ukhrâsh will return to their usual, docile disposition.