Quest:Drúkala: Trespassers in Gloomingtarn

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Drúkala: Trespassers in Gloomingtarn
Level 137
Type Solo
Starts with Landscape
Starts at Drúkala
Start Region Gloomingtarn
Map Ref [50.4S, 120.8W]
Ends with Remote Advance
End Region Gloomingtarn
Quest Group Gundabad: Gloomingtarn
[hide]Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

After passing beyond Zâram-mekhem, the tarn-gate, you have discovered an encampment of Orcs and goblins in Gloomingtarn. Sacred not only to the Longbeards, but to all dwarves, the hallowed cavern of Gloomingtarn has long been forbidden to the Orcs—and it must remain so!

You should defeat Orcs and goblins at Drúkala.


Long forbidden to pass beyond Zâram-mekhem, the Orcs' bargain with the Iron Crown has allowed them to settle within the hallowed caverns of Gloomingtarn.

Objective 1

  • Defeat Orcs and goblins at Drúkala (0/14)

Orcs and goblins can be found at Drúkala in Gloomingtarn.

After gaining entry to Gloomingtarn through the aid of the Iron Crown, the Orcs of Gundabad have made camp at Drúkala. You should defeat Orcs and goblins at Drúkala.

Defeated Orcs and goblins (14/14)

Objective 2

  • Complete

You have defeated many Orcs and goblins at Drúkala.

You have done much to hinder the Orcs in their attempts to settle within Gloomingtarn. With their numbers scattered back into Deepscrave and other hidden depths of Mount Gundabad, it is likely the Orcs will not soon return to Gloomingtarn.