The Eldest House
"Within the deepest reaches of Gloomingtarn, the Angmarim of the Iron Crown have unwittingly discovered a long-forgotten passage rumoured to lead to the first house of Durin the Deathless."
Within the deepest reaches of Gloomingtarn, the Angmarim of the Iron Crown have unwittingly discovered a long-forgotten passage rumoured to conceal the greatest secret of Gloomingtarn.
Objective 1
Hersegg can be found at Mîn Lorg.
You have entered Mîn Lorg to confront the Iron Crown with Hersegg. You should talk to Hersegg.
- Hersegg: 'Look what the Angmarim have done to this place, <name>... it is terrible!
- 'No matter what they have planned, we must put a stop to it. And not just for the Gabil'akkâ- the Iron Crown is defiling the very heritage of the Longbeards!
- 'I just hope we're not too late!'
Objective 2
Hersegg can be found at Mîn Lorg.
- Hersegg says, "Let us see where this passage leads, <name>..."
- Hersegg says, "By Durin's beard..."
- Hersegg pauses, studying the structure around you
Objective 3
Hersegg can be found at Mîn Lorg.
You have come to the entryway of an ancient dwelling at Mîn Lorg. You should talk to Hersegg.
- Hersegg: 'What... what is this place, my friend?'
- Hersegg glances around the entryway of what appears to be an ancient dwelling in the caverns of Gloomingtarn.
- 'It looks nearly untouched, <name>, but how can that be so? Neither Orc nor dwarf have walked these halls in thousands of years, and yet, it is as neatly kept as any dwelling in the Lonely Mountain.
- 'Perhaps the notes of the Iron Crown were not so far from the truth after all. Could it truly be that Durin the Deathless once dwelt within this... house?
- 'We cannot allow the Angmarim to lay claim to it!'
Objective 4
- Fight through Mîn Lorg with Hersegg
Hersegg can be found at Mîn Lorg.
- Hersegg says, "Lay down your shovels and begone, villains!"
- Hersegg says, "Over here, <name>... but quietly now!"
- After spying something in the distance, Hersegg quietly calls you over
Objective 5
Hersegg can be found at Mîn Lorg.
Hersegg has spied somethng in the distance at Mîn Lorg. You should talk to Hersegg.
- Hersegg: 'Another dwarf? What is he doing here?'
- Hersegg looks at the Angmarim standing over an old dwarf.
- 'Let's listen for a moment and see if we can't learn more, <name>. But if they even hint that they're going to harm him, I'm not going to let that happen!'
Objective 6
Hersegg can be found at Mîn Lorg.
You have come to the entryway of an ancient dwelling at Mîn Lorg. You should talk to Hersegg.
- Iron Crown Expeditionary says, "I will ask again. How do we reignite the white forge?"
- Thrástan says, "..."
- Iron Crown Expeditionary says, "Answer, dwarf!"
- Thrástan says, "Only Durin... or the Shaper... may do what you ask..."
- Iron Crown Expeditionary says, "Is that so? We shall see about that!"
- Hersegg says, "I've heard enough."
- Hersegg says, "In the name of Durin, stand aside or die!"
- Iron Crown Expeditionary says, "Intruders! Slay them!"
Objective 7
- Rescue the dwarf captured by the Iron Crown
Hersegg can be found at Mîn Lorg.
You have found an old dwarf capture by the Iron Crown at Mîn Lorg. You should rescue the dwarf.
- As the Angmarim fall defeated, the old dwarf looks to you
Objective 8
Thrástan can be found at Mîn Lorg.
After rescuing Thrástan from the Iron Crown at Mîn Lorg, the old dwarf seems to be struggling to speak. You should talk to Thrástan.
- Thrástan: 'What... has happened? [Stout-axe & Dwarf: Kin of my kin...] [Non-Dwarf: Who are you... and] how did you come to this place?'
- You introduce yourself to the old dwarf and explain that the Angmarim of the Iron Crown discovered the old delving after gaining entry to Gloomingtarn.
- 'It... should not be so, and yet... it is. I am... Thrástan.'
- You ask Thrástan if he can stand. The old dwarf nods weakly.
Objective 9
Hersegg can be found at Mîn Lorg.
After helping Thrástan to his feet, you grow concerned that the Angmarim will soon return to Mîn Lorg. You should talk to Hersegg.
- Hersegg: 'Of all the things I thought we might find in Mîn Lorg, another dwarf was not among them!
- 'It won't be long before the Iron Crown discovers what has happened. And despite his age, Thrástan looks a hale enough dwarf...
- 'We should leave this place while we still can, <name>.'
Objective 10
- Escape Mîn Lorg with Hersegg and Thrástan
Hersegg and Thrástan can be found at Mîn Lorg.
- Hersegg says, "It's too dangerous to remain here..."
- Hersegg says, "Come with us, Thrástan. let us help you out of here!"
- Hersegg says, "Bah!"
- The Iron Crown has sent a company of Angmarim to block your escape!
Objective 11
Hersegg can be found at Mîn Lorg.
After encountering a large company of Angmarim during your attempted escape, you have found the way out of Mîn Lorg blocked. You should talk to Hersegg.
- Hersegg: 'We're cut off, <name>. The only way out is through these Angmarim and we're outnumbered!'
- Hersegg glances at Thrástan.
- 'Stay back, Thrástan. We'll protect you... no matter what.'
Objective 12
- Defend Thrástan from the Iron Crown
Hersegg and Thrástan can be found at Mîn Lorg.
You should attempt to overcome the Angmarim of the Iron Crown barring your escape from Mîn Lorg.
- Iron Crown Commanders says, "You look surprised, dwarf-woman. Are you?"
- Iron Crown Commanders says, "What do you think happens to those who dare to trifle with the Iron Crown, you little fool?"
- Iron Crown Commanders says, "It matters not. You shall know soon enough!"
- Iron Crown Commanders says, "You four... capture them!"
- Iron Crown Commanders says, "Enough! You are undeserving of my mercy!"
- Iron Crown Commanders says, "You see, my master, Allaban, desires only the elder dwarf. Your fates are of no concern to him."
- Iron Crown Commanders says, "Let this house be your tomb!"
- As the Angmarim attack, you hear the battlecry of Hermáth Stormhammer in the distance!
- Hermáth Stormhammer says, "Baruk Khazâd! Khazâd-ai-mênu!"
- Iron Crown Commanders says, "You're too late... Allaban will come... for you!"
- As the last of the Angmarim falls defeated, Hermáth Stormhammer calls you over
- Hermáth Stormhammer says, "Hersegg! <name>!"
Objective 13
Hermáth Stormhammer can be found at Mîn Lorg.
To your surprise, Hermáth Stormhammer and his warriors arrived to rescue you from the Angmarim of the Iron Crown. You should talk to Hermáth Stormhammer.
- Hermáth Stormhammer: '<name>, are you all right?
- 'When you and Hersegg did not return, my warriors feared the worst. And from what I can tell, that was very nearly the case!
- 'Who is this now?'
- You tell Hermáth Stormhammer you discovered a dwarf named Thrástan captured by the Angmarim in Mîn Lorg.
- 'Very well! Let us speak more of this at Watchers' Roost... and I shall have to have words with my granddaughter as well!'
- Hermáth Stormhammer: 'We mustn't stay here, <name>. Let us return to Watchers' Roost!'