Quest:An Impossible Dwarf

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An Impossible Dwarf
Level 137
Type Solo
Starts with Hermáth Stormhammer
Starts at Watchers' Roost
Start Region Gloomingtarn
Map Ref [47.7S, 121.9W]
Ends with Hermáth Stormhammer
Ends at Watchers' Roost
End Region Gloomingtarn
Quest Group Gundabad: Gloomingtarn
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Bestowal dialogue

'To my knowledge, there is not a single dwarf among the Gabil'akkâ named Thrástan!

'You see, <name>... unless Thrástan was with us before the Iron Crown captured him, it is nearly impossible that he should have found his way this deep into Mount Gundabad. Even when the Haban’akkâ breached the Mountain-home during the Sixth War of the Dwarves and Orcs, we ventured no further than Máttugard. Even King Thráin deemed the Deepscrave too perilous to cross, and after all, Azog had yet to be slain!

'Perhaps he entered in the years that followed, but to elude the Orcs as far as Zâram-mekhem on his own is beyond the skill—or luck—of any dwarf I have ever known! Or that he could have dwelt here since the time of Durin the Deathless? Impossible! Only Durin himself was so long-lived among the Dwarves!

'I cannot make any sense of it, my friend. If he is truly of Durin's Folk, Thrástan must answer for himself!

'Question Thrástan, <name>, speak to him, and learn what you can!'


Believing that no dwarf could have entered Mount Gundabad between the Sixth War of the Dwarves and Orcs and the arrival of the Gabil'akkâ, Hermáth Stormhammer is determined to learn how Thrástan came to dwell in Gloomingtarn.

Objective 1

Thrástan can be found at Watchers' Roost in Gloomingtarn.

After you and Hersegg discovered an old dwarf alone in the caverns of Gloomingtarn, Hermáth Stormhammer has asked you to talk to Thrástan and uncover how he came to dwell in Mount Gundabad. You should talk to Thrástan.

Thrástan does not appear to notice your presence.
He mumbles inaudibly to himself for a moment and then falls silent.

Objective 2

  • Hail Thrástan to try and get his attention

Thrástan can be found at Watchers' Roost in Gloomingtarn.

Thrástan seems unaware of your presence. You should hail Thrástan and attempt to get his attention.

The old dwarf turns his head slowly and his gaze falls upon you

Objective 3

  • Talk to Thrástan

Thrástan can be found at Watchers' Roost in Gloomingtarn.

Thrástan has turned to look at you. You should talk to Thrástan.

Thrástan raises his hand to greet you, but remains silent. You ask Thrástan how he came to dwell within Mount Gundabad. After a long pause, he begins to speak, but his voice is gravelly and weak.
Thrástan: 'I... I do not remember.'
You ask Thrástan if he was among the Haban'akkâ of Thráin during the Sixth War of the Dwarves and Orcs. He shakes his head solemnly, but his face betrays a pained expression.
'The memories... it is as if they are not mine. Even this name... I gave it to myself. It... was so... long ago...'

Objective 4

  • Calm Thrástan and urge him to continue

Thrástan can be found at Watchers' Roost in Gloomingtarn.

Thrástan has become distraught in his attempt to answer your questions. You should try to calm Thrástan and urge him to continue trying to remember.

After a moment, Thrástan shakes his head uneasily

Objective 5

  • Talk to Thrástan

Thrástan can be found at Watchers' Roost in Gloomingtarn.

Thrástan does not appear to be able to answer your questions. You should talk to Thrástan.

Thrástan: 'I... am sorry. I wish I could... remember, but I... cannot. A chill... has taken... these old bones.'
Thrástan shivers uncomfortably.
'I have... been too long... from the Shaper's hearth.'

Objective 6

Hermáth Stormhammer can be found at Watchers' Roost in Gloomingtarn.

Before you could learn much from Thrástan, the old dwarf appears to suffer from some unseen ailment. You should talk to Hermáth Stormhammer.

Hermáth Stormhammer: 'What were you able to learn from Thrástan, <name>?'
You tell Hermáth Stormhammer what little knowledge you gleaned from Thrástan's words. You mention that the dwarf appears to be suffering from a strange ailment, but you suspect that he wishes to travel to Abkân'aban, the Stone of Wakening.
'Ah, I see. I am afraid I now only have more questions on my mind! As for the Shaper's hearth... could Thrástan be speaking of the White Stone Forge?'