Quest:Silent Riders

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Silent Riders
Level 72
Type Solo
Starts with Léofward
Starts at Rohirrim Scout-camp
Start Region Dunland
Map Ref [81.0S, 10.6W]
Quest Group Dunland: Gravenwood
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'<name>, if you wish to be of aid to me, I have a task of great import -- though it may not seem so at the first. I sent several scouts out into the Gravenwood to discover any movement of Dunlending forces, but I have not yet heard from any of them.

'Would you seek out the scouts and learn if any ill has befallen them? It has been too long, and I fear for my companions. Their names are Thurbald, Elfrith, and Cuthric. Thurbald and Cuthric have gone north and east into the Gravenwood, while Elfrith has returned south to watch the road to Wulf's Cleft.

'I will reward you for your efforts.'


Théodred, son of King Théoden of Rohan, has led a small party of scouts into the Gravenwood to determine the movements and motives of the Dunlendings.

Objective 1

The Rohirrim scouts Thurbald and Cuthric are somewhere in the northern reaches of the Gravenwood, while Elfrith returned south to watch the road into Wulf's Cleft.

Léofward has asked you to find the scouts he sent out into the Gravenwood and make sure they are well.

Thurbald: 'Léofward sent you? That is well for I have discovered an encampment of Draig-lûth -- Dragon-clan warriors -- moving down from Enedwaith. news of their movement should be taken to Léofward at once...I will remain and keep an eye on the encampment.
'If you with to be of further aid, I may have other tasks for you before you leave, though.'

Objective 2

Thurbald is hiding outside a Dragon-clan encampment, north of the Rohirrim scout-camp.

Thurbald needs your help with several tasks.

Assisted Thurbald with Breath of the Dragon
Assisted Thurbald with Into the Dragon's Maw
Assisted Thurbald with Pulling the Dragon's Teeth

Objective 2

The Rohirrim scouts Thurbald and Cuthric are somewhere in the northern reaches of the Gravenwood, while Elfrith returned south to watch the road into the Isendale.

Léofward has asked you to find the scouts he sent out into the Gravenwood and make sure they are well.

Cuthric: 'Indeed, I am well, <class>. I have discovered an encampment of warriors of the Uch-lûth, the Ox-clan, marching eastward out of carreglyn. I daresay they are up to no good. Take this news at once to Léofward.
'If you wish to be of further aid, I may have other tasks for you before you leave.'

Objective 3

Cuthric is hiding outside an Ox-clan encampment, west of the Rohirrim scout-camp.

Cuthric needs your assistance with some tasks.

Assisted Cuthric with Charge of the Ox
Assisted Cuthric with Heading off the Stampede
Assisted Cuthric with Prime Cut

Objective 4

The Rohirrim scouts Thurbald and Cuthric are somewhere in the northern reaches of the Gravenwood, while Elfrith returned south to watch the road into the Isendale.

Léofward has asked you to find the scouts he sent out into the Gravenwood and make sure they are well.

Elfrith: 'You there, Léofward sent you? I have news for you to take to him: a band of Orcs bearing the mark of the White Hnad has entered the Gravenwood and has been clear-cutting the forest here. I know not for what purpose, but they have been shiping the wood eastward.
'If you wish to be of further assistance, I may have other tasks for you before you go.'

Objective 5

Elfrith is hiding outside and Orc-camp, south-west of the Rohirrim scout-camp.

Elfrith needs your assistance with some tasks.

Assisted Elfrith with Clear-cutting Orcs
Assisted Elfrith with Trophies of the Enemy
Assisted Elfrith with Wanton Destruction

Objective 6

Léofward is at the Rohirrim scout-camp.

You should return to Léofward with the information provided to you by the Rohirrim scouts.

Léofward: 'This new is distressing. The Orcs are of little concern to me -- let them consume the Dunlendings' wood - but he companies of Dunlending warriors troubles me. From what you tell me, they will be converging upon the Mustering Tree, and that is an ill omen.
'despite the enmity the Draig-lûth have shown to their own countrymen I think it more liekly that both companies are meeting as allies to join the host gathering in Wulf's Cleft.
'I must think upon this problem.'