Quest:Instance: Tribunal of Shadows

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Instance: Tribunal of Shadows
Level 72
Type Solo
Starts with Andreg
Starts at Gravenwood
Start Region Dunland
Map Ref [82.3S, 9.5W]
Quest Group Dunland: South Gravenwood
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

Tribunal of Shadows
"At last, we have tracked Gwyllion, whom the Dunlendings call the Old Woman of the Mountain, here to the Gravenwood. Whatever foul plot she has put in motion must be stopped at the Slade of Shadows...."


Andreg has a plan to draw forth and ensnare Gwyllion and her allies at the Slade of Shadows.

Objective 1

  • Talk to Andreg
  • Andreg must not be defeated

You should speak with Andreg to learn his plan.

Andreg: '<name>, you told me that the altars bore the same marks as the tokens you brought from Saeradan. If this is indeed the case, the tokens may perhaps be used to call Gwyllion and her allies to the Slade.
'Come with me to the Slade of Shadows. There, we will see how the tokens may be of use to us.'

Objective 2

Follow Andreg to the Slade of Shadows

Andreg: 'Come, follow me, <name>!'

Objective 3

  • Talk to Andreg
  • Andreg must not be defeated

Speak with Andreg at the Slade of Shadows.

Andreg: 'Enter the Slade and place the tokens upon the altars, then return here to me. If I am correct, we may soon see the end of the Old Woman of the Mountain.'

Objective 4

The three altars can be found between the trees at the heart of the Slade of Shadows.

Andreg instructed you to place the tokens of the gurach on the altars within the Slade of Shadows.

Objective 5

  • Talk to Andreg
  • Andreg must not be defeated

Andreg is hiding near the Slade of Shadows.

You should return to Andreg at once.

Andreg: 'Let us see if my plan will bear fruit....'

Objective 6

  • Wait with Andreg to see what happens
  • Andreg must not be defeated

Wait with Andreg to see what happens.

Gwyllion, Old Woman of the Mountain shouts, "Who summons forth the Tribunal of Shadows?"
Fion shouts, "What is the meaning of this?"
Dulhis shouts, "Why have we been called?"
Gwyllion, Old Woman of the Mountain shouts, "You need not reveal yourselves, matters not.'
Gwyllion, Old Woman of the Mountain shouts, "You may observe as we bring about the doom of Rohan....'
Gwyllion, Old Woman of the Mountain shouts, "The White Hand shall close its mighty fist upon the forgoil! Rohan shall fall!'
Stop the elhudan from entering the cauldron
Gwyllion, Old Woman of the Mountain shouts, "Come spirits of the Gravenwood! Come to the Dutegelh and bring life to our army!'
Fion shouts, "Come spirits of the Gravenwood! Come to the Dutegelh and bring life to our army!"
Dulhis shouts, "Come spirits of the Gravenwood! Come to the Dutegelh and bring life to our army!"
Andreg says, "Gwyllion! Stop this madness!"

Objective 7

  • Stop the elhudan and defeat the Tribunal of Shadows
  • Andreg must not be defeated

Defeat the Tribunal of Shadows.

Andreg: 'Now, <name>, we must stop the elhudan before they can create a wight-army!'
Andreg says, "There is only one way to stop this madness, and that is to destroy the Dutegelh! Fight on, <name>!"
Fion says, "You will perish for your affrontery, Duvodiad!"
Dulhis says, "My pets! No!"
Gwyllion, Old Woman of the Mountain shouts, "Curse you, Duvodiad! Destroy them!"
Dulhis says, "The White Hand will crush you!"
Fion says, "The White Hand will crush you!"
Dulhis says, "My pets! No!"
Fion says, "My pets! No!"
Dulhis says, "Sharkey will pay well for your head!"
Fion says, "Sharkey will pay well for your head!"
Dulhis says, "You will perish for your affrontery, Duvodiad!"
Fion says, "You will perish for your affrontery, Duvodiad!"
Fion says, "You will learn the price of your arrogance in Sharkey's care...."
Defeated the Tribunal of Shadows

Objective 8

  • Talk to Andreg
  • Andreg must not be defeated

Andreg is lying among the shard of the Dutegelh.

You should see if there is anything you can do to help Andreg.

Andreg: 'Unnh... <name>... when Gwyllion... said what she did... about the living... it... it reminded me of the... rest of the legend.
'The Dutegelh's weakness is the... living spirit... the gift of life. It has.. .ended the darkness.
'Collect the tokens of the gurach... from the altars, then... return to me... while I still have... breath....'

Objective 9

  • Collect the Token of the Goat from the first altar
  • Collect the Token of the Ox from the second altar
  • Collect the Token of the Stag from the third altar
  • Andreg must not be defeated

The tokens of the gurach are upon the altars at the heart of the Slade of Shadows.

Andreg instructed you to collect the tokens of the gurach and return to him.

Objective 10

  • Talk to Andreg
  • Andreg must not be defeated

Andreg is lying mortally wounded among the shards of the Dutegelh at the heart of the Slade of Shadows.

You should bring the tokens of the gurach to Andreg at once.

Andreg: 'The Old Woman of... the Mountain... lingers still, but not... unharmed. Now is the time to... strike. Now is the time to... move...'
Andreg: I shall not... be returning with you... <name>. The cost of defeating... death... is the life... of the living.
'Return to... Saeradan and tell him... of our victory. Fare... well....'