Quest:Ruffians In Ruddymore

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Ruffians In Ruddymore
Level 21
Type Solo
Starts with Alwena
Starts at Herne
Start Region Cardolan
Map Ref [49.5S, 45.1W]
Quest Group Cardolan
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'I have done some thinking, and I believe the recent increase in ruffian activity near Herne is partly to blame for the townsfolk being reluctant to work in the Hall of Crafts.

'Can you do something about the ruffians in Ruddymore? With fewer of those thieves and cutpurses nearby, folk may feel more comfortable about frequenting my place of business!'


After some thought, Alwena believes the recent rise of ruffians in Ruddymore is to blame for her lack of custom in the Hall of Crafts.

Objective 1

Ruffians can be found throughout Ruddymore, and are a danger to the people of the area.

Alwena 'Can you do something about the ruffians in Ruddymore? With fewer of those thieves and cutpurses nearby, folk may feel more comfortable about frequenting my place of business!'

Objective 2

Alwena is outside the Hall of Crafts in Herne.

Alwena 'Thank you for helping clear some of the ruffians out of Ruddymore. Meanwhile, I finally managed to hire a guard to stand watch in the Hall of Crafts! He will ensure that folk feel safe while they are working.
'You can go say hello to him, if you like. He's just inside the Hall.'

Objective 3

The new guard hired by Alwena can be found inside the Hall of Crafts.

The new guard's surprise is evident, but then he adopts a more neutral expression.
Guard of Recent Employ 'Hello, stranger. Cause no trouble. I wouldn't want to have to throw you out. Missus Alwena was very clear that this is to be a safe place for craftsmen to work, and she doesn't want fighting.'
He does bear a certain familiar resemblance, but perhaps it is your imagination

Objective 4

  • Talk to Alwena outside the Hall of Crafts in Herne

Alwena is outside the Hall of Crafts in Herne.

Alwena 'Thank you for all your help! My new guard will keep watch over the Hall of Crafts, and hopefully this malaise that has settled upon Herne will soon pass!'

You tell Alwena that her new guard does bear a certain resemblance to someone you recently faced in battle, and she shrugs.

'I am confident it will turn out fine. He has turned over a new leaf. And if young Edhan happens to stop by and finds he is jealous of my new guardsman, that is only a secondary consideration, <name>.
'Thank you once again. If you wish to work your trade in the Hall of Crafts, you are welcome to do so at any time.'