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Quest:Removing Rotten Provisions

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Removing Rotten Provisions
Level 120
Type Solo
Starts with Ohtar
Starts at Díngarth
Start Region Mordor Besieged
Map Ref [97.4S, 131.6W]
Quest Chain Mordor Besieged: Arandor
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'This is embarrassing, friend.

'The siege has dragged on for so long that Díngarth is no longer in the centre of the fighting; the war contiues further to the east. We have seen fewer and fewer soldiers within these walls, but ours is still a strategic fortification and must be occupied. The attention of the commanders lies elsewhere, however, and some small things have gone neglected.

'What are these small things? Well... some of the provisions have spoiled, and the meat we kept here at Díngarth has rotted. We do not need for our soldiers to be sickened by turned meat! Go and search the provisions for any which has gone bad and dispose of it.'


Ohtar, Esquire of Isildur, has noticed some of the provisions in Díngarth have become spoiled from sitting to long in the stores

Objective 1

Spoiled food can be found in Díngarth.

You should remove any spoiled food found in Díngarth.

Objective 2

Ohtar can be found in Díngarth.

You should talk to Ohtar.

Ohtar: 'You are sure you have disposed of all the spoiled food? Good, good!
'I understand that Orcs have been known to feast on spoiled and rotten meat, but that is not something Isildur would allow for his own soldiers, and as his esquire I have taken it upon myself to see they do not have to do so!
'That was a lot of spoiled food, friend. Do we have any provisions at all left in Díngarth? We will need to do something about that....'