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Quest:Blades for the Coming Storm

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Blades for the Coming Storm
Level 122
Type Solo
Starts with Radigond
Starts at Díngarth
Start Region Mordor Besieged
Map Ref [96.9S, 131.4W]
Ends with Radigond
Ends at Díngarth
End Region Mordor Besieged
Map Ref [96.9S, 131.4W]
Quest Chain Mordor Besieged: Arandor
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Do you know aught about maintaining weapons? Do not lie to me! If you do not know of such things, simply say so! It is not as easy as you might think, unless you have given it study! Ah, you do know the art? Why did you not simply say so?

'My father the Hundred-slayer taught me everything there is to know about keeping swords balanced and sharp, and those are both traits that our Alliance will need in the days to come! Take some of the blunt swords in Díngarth and give them a sharpen on the grindstone. Show me what you know about maintaining weapons.'


Radigond, daughter of Huneric Hundred-slayer, has been tasked with maintaining Díngarth's weapon stores.

Objective 1

  • Gather blunt swords (0/8)

Blunt swords can be found in Díngarth.

You should gather blunt swords.

Objective 2

  • Sharpen swords on the grindstone (0/2)

A grindstone can be found in Díngarth.

You should sharpen the swords on the grindstone.

Objective 3

Radigond can be found in Díngarth.

You should give the sharpened swords to Radigond.

Gelvira: 'Let me see those weapons. Hmmm...
'Yes, these are not bad at all. You show promise, and lack only the practice. Oh, it is not an insult! Not even I have mastered the art, and I have spend all the days of my life training in it with my father!
'There are many more weapons that need inspection and maintenance, but these we will use soon, for the Storm of Wrath is coming. Perhaps these blades will be sharp enough to give that horde something to think upon.'