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Quest:Heraldry of the Thíuda

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Heraldry of the Thíuda
Level 122
Type Solo
Starts with Huneric, Lord of the Thíuda
Starts at Adambel
Start Region Mordor Besieged
Map Ref [98.5S, 125.9W]
Ends with Huneric, Lord of the Thíuda
Ends at Adambel
End Region Mordor Besieged
Map Ref [98.5S, 125.9W]
Quest Chain Mordor Besieged: Arandor
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'The Thíuda are a proud people. When I see one of our banners proudly riding the wind, I take on the courage of ten Men! Take this heraldry of my people and plant it throughout the Kingsland of Arandor. May it lessen the courage of our foes and bring strength to our fellows!'


Huneric, Lord of the Thíuda, seeks to plant the heraldry of the Thíuda throughout Arandor.

Objective 1

  • Raise heraldry of the Thíuda in Arandor (0/5)

Good places to raise the heraldry of the Thíuda can be found in Arandor.

You should raise the heraldry of the Thíuda for Huneric.

Objective 2

Huneric can be found in Adambel.

You should talk to Huneric.

Huneric, Lord of the Thíuda: 'The banners of my people will lift the hearts of all who fight for the Great Alliance, and lend them the courage they will need to face the Storm of Wrath!'