Quest:Of War and Rose Petals

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Of War and Rose Petals
Level 140
Type Solo
Starts with Sadrien
Starts at Imloth Melui
Start Region Lossarnach (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [74.4S, 23.5W]
Ends with Sadrien
Ends at Arnach
End Region Lossarnach (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [74.4S, 23.5W]
Quest Group Lossarnach (King's Gondor)
[hide]Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Could you spare a moment? You look as though war has painted a stroke on you. The war has taken the heart of my father. He idles in his work and has very little reason to speak to me. Could you possibly deliver a message?'

The young woman hesitates for a moment before whispering a message into your ear to deliver.

'His name is Halgúr. You can find his homestead south of Imloth Melui.'


A young woman stands distraught that her father has lost his purpose in life after suffering the consequences of war.

Objective 1

Sadrien has asked you to deliver a message to Halgúr at his homestead south of Imloth Melui.

Halgúr: 'Leave me be, wanderer. I have no words for you.'
The man continues to bury himself in his work ignoring you.

Objective 2

  • Examine the rubble

Halgúr is ignoring you. Perhaps you can learn more by searching his homestead.

The area has been ransacked

Objective 3

  • Investigate the food stores

The homestead looks to have been ransacked.

Any edible food has been taken, the rest rotted

Objective 4

  • Check on Halgúr's supplies

All the edible food has been taken. The rest has been left to rot.

These supplies have not been used

Objective 5

  • Investigate Halgúr's materials

The supplies have not seen much use. Halgúr seems to be working aimlessly.

They have all been destroyed

Objective 6

  • Examine the ruins

The materials have been destroyed. They will not see any use.

The building has collapsed

Objective 7

  • Talk to Halgúr

Part of Halgúr's homestead has collapsed. Something terrible must have happened. Speak to Halgúr.

Halgúr: 'What business do you have rummaging through my things? Leave at once!'
Halgúr has become agitated. Reminding him of the sorry state of his homestead has seemingly reopened a wound or a memory he would rather forget.
Sadrien must have more information

Objective 8

Halgúr does not wish to speak to you anymore. Perhaps Sadrien in Imloth Melui has more information on what transpired at the homestead.

Sadrien: 'I must apologize. I knew he would be reluctant to speak to you.
'I had hoped that your experience in the war would still his fervour. His will to continue on with meaning was lost... along with my mother.'
Sadrien steels herself before continuing.
'After the war, many parties retreating would often trouble us on the way to Pelargir. My father's homestead was raided, ransacked and pillaged of anything valuable. He tried to stand his ground, but those brigands chose to ruin his home. My mother Melnith was inside when the building collapsed.
'So you see, reminding him of that moment may have angered him. There is something you should see.'
Sadrien tells you of a place Melnith used to frequent daily.
'Most of the time, when I would visit, my mother would be away. Father thought she was visiting the markets. So I followed her one day, at a distance. I never got too close, but there is a spot in the forest she visits daily. Perhaps there is something there that could help you.'

Objective 9

  • Investigate Melnith's retreat

Sadrien asks you to find Melnith's retreat east of Imloth Melui.

Nathemel: The wolf mother seems to have been injured and cannot fend for herself.
The wolf cub seems to be in high spirits, unaware of its mother's condition. It appears, from the food remnants and empty water dishes, Melnith frequented this cove daily to check on the wolf and cub.
Halgúr should be informed of this immediately.

Objective 10

  • Talk to Halgúr

Inform Halgúr of Melnith's retreat. Halgúr can be found at his homestead south of Imloth Melui.

Halgúr: 'Have I not suffered enough? Must you trouble me so?! My wife is lost to me. There is nothing left for me in this world!'
Halgúr begins to well up.

Objective 11

  • Beckon Halgúr (0/3)

Halgúr is still not willing to listen. He needs to be encouraged in some way.

Objective 12

  • Talk to Halgúr

You have convinced Halgúr to meet you at Melnith's retreat.

Halgúr: 'My beloved Melnith. So kind. So gentle. It is no wonder she spent many a twilight away tending to this area.'
Halgúr examines a ribbon on the wolf mother's neck.
'Nathemel. That is the name Melnith gave to this wolf mother.'
Halgúr says, "I've been a fool. I let the loss of Melnith blind me to the woes of those left behind."
Halgúr says, "The war had taken so much from so many."
Halgúr says, "But to grasp a rose petal in the palm of my hand, and Nathemel's ribbon in another..."
Halgúr says, "I see now what Melnith left behind."
Halgúr says, "The beauty left in the world and in the palm of my hand. I know what I must do now. Thank you, traveller."

Objective 13

  • Talk to Sadrien

Halgúr has a renewed sense of hope for the world. Inform Sadrien back in Imloth Melui.

Sadrien: 'Thank you so much for everything you've done, traveller. My father has a renewed sense of spirit and vigour. He has found purpose once again. Even I had no idea my mother tended to a wolf mother, but now we both have renewed purpose. We shall both endeavour to maintain the beauty of this land.'