Quest:Of Stars and Blossoms

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Of Stars and Blossoms
Level 140
Type Solo
Starts with Atharon
Starts at Hall of the Gentle Hand
Start Region Lossarnach (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [73.2S, 25.6W]
Ends with Atharon
Ends at Hall of the Gentle Hand
End Region Lossarnach (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [73.2S, 25.6W]
Quest Group Lossarnach (King's Gondor)
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Since you will be out in the forest, might I impose upon you another task as well? We have run low on both fuingil and lethelin, both of which can be found west of the city. Fuingil, also known as nightstar, is a mushroom which grows in dark places like caves, and lothelin is a plant which loves to spread across the forest floor. Both are essential in many of the potions we make here in the Hall.

'Please gather what you can and bring it back to me, and I shall reward you for your time.'


Crithon is concerned by the increased population of badgers surrounding the river leading to Pelargir.

Objective 1

Atharon has asked you to gather ingredients for potion making while you are searching the forest.

Fuingil and lethelin can be found in the forest and caves west of Imloth Melui.

Objective 2

You should bring the plants and mushrooms to Atharon.

Atharon is in the Hall of the Gentle Hand in Imloth Melui.

Atharon: 'These are quite good! They will make fine ingredients for our potions.'