Quest:Not on an Empty Stomach

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Not on an Empty Stomach
Level 141
Type Solo
Starts with Bracha
Starts at Lumber Camp
Start Region Ringló Vale (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [72.6S, 48.1W]
Ends with Bracha
Ends at Lumber Camp
End Region Ringló Vale (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [72.6S, 48.1W]
Quest Group Ringló Vale (King's Gondor)
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Ah if it isn't Dervorin's friend. Thank you for your help during that fight.

'Are you as good with a rod and reel as you are that weapon of yours? If so, go find Hallis at the river just north of here. She says the Ringló is being generous today.

'Catch us more fish to eat, assuming the river favours you.'


The workers at the lumber camp need full stomachs to work at their best.

Objective 1

Bracha has asked you to catch fish in the Ringló.

Catch fish north of the lumber camp near Ethring.

Hallis: 'Fishing... fishing...'
Bracha sent me.
Hallis: 'Did she now? Well, you are to be my helper, then.
'Do you see that sparkle in the river? A broken blade is stuck in the river-bed. I think the fish are attracted to it. Aim for that, and you'll catch your fill in no time.'

Objective 2

You have caught several fish.

Talk to Bracha at the lumber camp east of Ethring.

Bracha: Bracha applauds you as you lay out your catch.
'Well done, <name>! And such fat ones you've brought me.
'Now, how shall I cook them? Maybe I'll fry them with chips? On second thought, a stew would let me make the most of the fish...'