Quest:New Hires

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New Hires
Level 141
Type Solo
Starts with Dornach
Starts at Lumber Camp
Start Region Ringló Vale (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [72.5S, 48.1W]
Ends with Dornach
Ends at Lumber Camp
End Region Ringló Vale (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [72.6S, 48.1W]
Quest Group Ringló Vale (King's Gondor)
[hide]Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Gondor is hungry for lumber. We will be unable to meet the needs of our neighbours if we do not hire more help. When next you are in Ethring, ask around to see if anyone is interested in earning some coin.'


The lumber camp will need additional workers in order to meet demand.

Objective 1

  • Talk to prospective workers (0/5)

Dornach asked you to go into Ethring to recruit new workers.

Talk to prospective workers in Ethring.

Callothor: 'You suggest I put my studies aside to go sweat in the forest, hacking away at trees, being eaten alive by insects?!
'I am far too refined for that.'
Erthadis: 'Work at the lumber camp? Count me in! I can even bring my own axe.
'Why do I already have my own axe? What kind of woman doesn't own an axe?'
Amarion: 'I was injured when the call came to make for Minas Tirith. I missed my chance to fight, but I'm all healed up now! If felling trees is what Gondor needs, then I'll do it!'
Berthang: 'I'm flattered you think me fitting for such a trade, but I am already apprenticed to a smith.'
Ríneth: 'Wait, are you asking me if I want to work at the lumber camp? You do remember me, don't you? I was one of Dravron's men.
'I would appreciate the second chance. When I agreed to work for Dravron, I didn't realize how far he was willing to take his little scheme. By the time I did, it felt like it was too late to back out. I'll talk to Dornach and try to make amends.'

Objective 2

You have spoken to people in the town and found some promising candidates.

Talk to Dornach at the lumber camp east of Ethring.

Dornach: 'That was a more successful turnout than I expected. Thank you for going into town for me.'