Quest:Ethring Herbs

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Ethring Herbs
Level 141
Type Solo
Starts with Nathiel
Starts at Lumber Camp
Start Region Ringló Vale (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [72.5S, 48.2W]
Ends with Nathiel
Ends at Lumber Camp
End Region Ringló Vale (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [72.5S, 48.2W]
Quest Group Ringló Vale (King's Gondor)
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Even in calmer times, logging is a dangerous activity. Fueled by the urgency of rebuilding Gondor, I fear the workers will push themselves harder than they should and subject themselves to unnecessary risks.

'There are herbs in the woods. One helps with pain, the other with bleeding. I fear I will need plenty of both in the weeks to come. If you have time to spare, help me gather some.'


Logging is dangerous. Nathiel, a healer, asks you to fetch herbs so that they may have remedies on-hand.

Objective 1

Logging is dangerous work, and a local healer wants to be prepared with medicinal herbs now that production is restarting.

Gather herbs in the woods east of Ethring.

Objective 2

Bring the herbs you have gathered to Nathiel.

Talk to Nathiel at the lumber camp east of Ethring.

Nathiel: Nathiel presses their face into the herbs and inhales deeply. After a prolonged sneezing fit, they accept your offerings with thanks.