Quest:Instance: All Is Quiet

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Instance: All Is Quiet
Level 122
Type Solo
Starts with Vëamacil
Starts at Díngarth
Start Region Mordor Besieged
Map Ref [97.3S, 131.2W]
Quest Group The Black Book of Mordor: Chapter 11
Reflecting Pool Mordor Besieged Reflecting Pool
[hide]Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

All Is Quiet
"All is quiet, and our victory will soon be at hand. And to think you doubted this would be easy!"


Vëamacil and Ornaher, two of the sons of Isildur, are eager to conduct a dangerous rescue mission into the enemy-held fortress of Amon Fuin.

Objective 1

  • Talk to Vëamacil
  • All of your allies must survive

Vëamacil and Ornaher are outside the walls of Amon Fuin.

Vëamacil: 'All is quiet, but do not trust the stillness! There will be lookouts up ahead, and we should dispatch them quickly before they can raise the alarm. Are you ready?'
  • Defeat the lookouts outside Amon Fuin with Vëamacil and Ornaher
  • All of your allies must survive
Vëamacil says, "Keep your eyes open, Ornaher!"
Ornaher says, "Without fail, Vëamacil!"
Vëamacil says, "I know I said it was quiet, but this is curiously so."
Vëamacil says, "Where are the guards? Where are the true warriors?"
Ornaher says, "I expected trolls."
Vëamacil says, "Aye, brother!"
Vëamacil says, "Wait, someone comes! Not within the camp, but without!"
Ornaher says, "It is that Elf!"
Vëamacil says, "Hail, Magoldir."

Objective 2

  • Talk to Magoldir outside Amon Fuin
  • All of your allies must survive

You and the sons of Isildur have encountered Magoldir the Elf outside Amon Fuin.

Magoldir: 'I saw you from afar, my friend, and came to lend you any assistance you might require. And this too: a warning 'gainst this course! Was this excursion to Amon Fuin your idea, or that of these sons of Isildur?'
'It is true that there is less activity here than there was of late, but Amon Fuin is still a place of evil and will not be undefended. This seems to me an unwise course, and I beg you convince these two to turn back, for the Great Alliance will be the worse for it should something befall them.'

Objective 3

  • Talk to Vëamacil and Ornaher and convince them not to proceed into Amon Fuin
  • All of your allies must survive

Magoldir wants you to advise Vëamacil and Ornaher to abandon their mission to Amon Fuin.

Vëamacil: 'Yes, I hear Magoldir's warning, but the evil of the Mordorrim must be opposed, and who better to do so than the sons of Isildur? Good soldiers have been spirited away by some evil ruse, and we must find them if we can!'
Ornaher: 'Magoldir's warning is well-intentioned, but you must understand that we cannot allow good soldiers of the Alliance to remain in torment within Amon Fuin. We have no choice! It is up to Isildur's sons to save them, and we will not shrink from that purpose!'
Vëamacil says, "I fear no darkness!"
Ornaher says, "Nor do I!"

Objective 4

  • Talk to Magoldir outside Amon Fuin
  • All of your allies must survive

The sons of Isildur have charged forward into Amon Fuin, dismissing the warnings of Magoldir.

Magoldir: 'That was... unexpected.'
Magoldir hefts his sword.
'I suppose we need to follow them. Their father will not look kindly upon us were we to abandon them now, although it seems to this observer that they were the ones who abandoned us. Even so, this is our duty.'
  • Fight alongside Magoldir as he ventures into Amon Fuin
  • All of your allies must survive
Magoldir says, "Follow me, mellon!"
Magoldir says, "Orcs, up ahead! They will hinder the retreat of the sons of Isildur..."
Magoldir says, "Not just Orcs, but Mordorrim too."
Magoldir says, "I hear shouting to the west!"
Magoldir says, "I see them!"
Ornaher says, "Are you prepared to die, Mordorrim witch?"
Magoldir says, "Be cautious, my friends! That is Urudanî Stonemaiden, and she is most deadly!"
Urudanî Stonemaiden says, "The Elf has heard of me."
Urudanî Stonemaiden says, "You would be wise to heed his warning!"
Vëamacil says, "We are not afraid of you or your master!"
Ornaher says, "Where are the soldiers you abducted?"
Urudanî Stonemaiden says, "What soldiers are those?"
Urudanî Stonemaiden says, "The men who come to Sauron's service come willingly."
Urudanî Stonemaiden says, "As do we all!"
Urudanî Stonemaiden says, "Kill them, my servants! Kill them for Sauron!"
Mordorrim Cultist says, "Yes, Mistress Urudanî!"

Objective 5

Urudanî Stonemaiden commands the Mordorrim cultists within Amon Fuin.

Ornaher says, "Your lackeys are no match for us, Urudanî Stonemaiden!"
Urudanî Stonemaiden says, "These Orcs will prove too much for you."
Urudanî Stonemaiden says, "Bring me their heads!"
Amon Fuin Warrior says, "Slay them yourself."
Urudanî Stonemaiden says, "What?"
Amon Fuin Warrior says, "I am not dying for some Gúrzyul witch."
Amon Fuin Warrior says, "To me, boys!"
Vëamacil says, "Well, Urudanî? What have you to say now?"

Objective 6

  • Talk to Urdanî Stonemaiden in Amon Fuin
  • All of your allies must survive

Urudanî's cultists have been defeated, and her contingent of Orcs has abandoned her, but she still intends to stand and fight.

Urudanî Stonemaiden: 'A pox on them!
'I did not need those cowards before, and I do not need them now! I will slay you myself, and exult in your demise!'
  • Defeat Urudanî Stonemaiden
  • All of your allies must survive
Urudanî Stonemaiden says, "I will slay you all, and bring you to Sauron myself!"

Objective 7

  • Stand alongside Magoldir and the sons of Isildur in Amon Fuin
  • All of your allies must survive

The sons of Isildur weigh what should be done with Urudanî Stonemaiden. She has been defeated, but while she lives she remains a threat to the Great Alliance.

Vëamacil says, "Farewell, Urudanî! Your life is at its end!"
Magoldir says, "Hold, my friend! She is defeated."
Ornaher says, "But she lives, and should not."
Vëamacil says, "I will remedy that now, Ornaher, fear not."
Magoldir says, "Vëamacil, stay the killing blow!"
Magoldir says, "She poses no further threat."
Urudanî Stonemaiden says, "I seek no mercy!"
Ornaher says, "Magoldir, she is evil."
Magoldir says, "Killing her now would make us no better than Orcs."
Urudanî Stonemaiden says, "Fool!"
Urudanî Stonemaiden says, "You will rue the day you did not slay Urudanî Stonemaiden!"
Vëamacil says, "That was poorly-done, Magoldir."
Magoldir says, "Mercy must never be a mistake, Vëamacil."
Ornaher says, "Well, she is gone now, and our missing soldiers are beyond our help."
Instance: All Is Quiet
Ornaher: 'I hate to leave without the success for which we hoped, but I see no other choice. There is no sign of our missing soldiers, and from the words of Urudanî Stonemaiden I fear we are not likely to see them again.
'Magoldir should not have had us spare her. If she works some mischief upon the works of the Great Alliance it will be upon his head, and no other.
'Bah! Let us leave this place, friend. It is not safe to remain here, no matter its unusual quiet.'