Quest:Chapter 11.3: A Day at Díngarth

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Chapter 11.3: A Day at Díngarth
Level 121
Type Solo
Starts with Ontamo
Starts at Díngarth
Start Region Mordor Besieged
Map Ref [97.4S, 131.5W]
Ends with Ontamo
Quest Group The Black Book of Mordor: Chapter 11
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'I have been informed that King Isildur of Gondor plans to return to Díngarth in order to inspect the defences! As the master of fortifications, the responsibility falls to me to ensure that the king is satisfied by the state of them. But that is no easy task, for Díngarth was the first encampment we constructed after the Alliance pushed through the ruins of the Gate, seven years gone. It has been repeatedly assailed by the forces of Sauron, and rebuilt anew following the worst of the assaults.

'Isildur rules Gondor with his brother Anárion, at the behest of their father, the High King, and there is no end to the worries upon which they must dwell as the siege drags on. King Isildur would not trouble to return to Díngarth if he thought our business here unimportant. He must know, as I do, that if the forward positions of the Alliance are pushed back, Díngarth will become our only foothold in the Black Land. To face defeat after such cost of lives and years would be impossible to bear!

'So I ask you to gather wood and stone from around Díngarth and patch up the fortifications. You will impress King Isildur with the sweat of your brow and I shall impress him with my foresight and my leadership. Look too for resting soldiers and get them moving. To see such sluggards lazing about would surely offend the king's eyes. Go then, and see these tasks done!'


Ontamo is worried about the imminent inspection of the fortifications of Díngarth by Isildur, King of Gondor, and has requested your aid in their improvement.

Objective 1

Ontamo asked you to collect wood and stone for patching up the fortifications at Díngarth and to keep resting soldiers from giving Isildur the impression of laziness when he comes to inspect the defences.

Resting Soldier says, "I hear you."
Resting Soldier says, "I'm going, I'm going..."
Resting Soldier says, "What's the hurry, anyway?"
Resting Soldier says, "I'm going, I'm going..."

Objective 2

  • Repair the fortifications at Díngarth (0/3)

Ontamo has asked you to improve the fortifications at spots in need of repair in and around Díngarth.

Ontamo: 'The fortifications of Díngarth need to be repaired before King Isildur conducts his inspection! Use the wood and the stone you collected to improve the weaknesses in our defences!'

Objective 3

Ontamo awaits your return in Díngarth.

Ontamo: 'You improved the defences here at Díngarth? Good, good, and just in time! I have received word that a patrol of Orcs has been spotted to the south, leaving the encampment at Mokh Shapat. If we don't do something about them at, and at once, King Isildur will be most aggrieved!
'Your work here is not yet done! Hurry to the south and slay the Orc band before the king comes to Díngarth.'

Objective 4

  • Defeat Orcs south of Díngarth (0/6)

An Orc raiding party was seen patrolling south of the encampment of Díngarth, and Ontamo asked you to take care of it before King Isildur arrived for his inspection of the defences. Orcs can be found leaving their encampment of Mokh Shapat, far to the south of Díngarth.

'Orc raiding parties remained a threat, even years after the siege began.'

Objective 5

  • Investigate the sound of Orc voices far to the south of Dingarth

The guttural voices of Orcs can be heard among the rocks far to the south of Dingarth.

An elf stands among the bodies of the slain Orc raiding party

Objective 6

  • Talk to Magoldir among the bodies of the slain Orcs

You have stumbled upon an Elf surrounded by the bodies of a slain Orc raiding party.

Magoldir: 'I am afraid you have come too late to join the festivities, friend. These Orcs thought to do some mischief to the Alliance, but they were neither stealthy nor clever enough to escape my notice. They felt the bite of my blade and did not like it!

Dwarf/Stout-axe version

'I am called Magoldir and my sword is Orthadel, the Rising Star. I wield it at the command of Gil-galad, and it has proven the undoing of Orcs and evil Men for the long years of this siege. I must confess I am surprised to see a dwarf here among the camps of the Great Alliance, but the discovery is a welcome one. I understand that your king, Durin, took his armies to fight Sauron's forces on another front, in another land? There is no shortage of foes to be fought in these dark days, and battle enough for all!

Elf/High Elf version

'I am called Magoldir, and my sword is Orthadel, the Rising Star; it has proven the undoing of Orcs and evil Men for the long years of this siege. I serve in the company of Gil-galad, as do you, but I confess we have not shared words before now. A pity, friend, for war is a lonely endeavour.

Man/Beorning version

'I am called Magoldir, and my sword is Orthadel, the Rising Star. I wield it at the command of Gil-galad, and it has proven the undoing of Orcs and evil Men for the long years of this siege.

Hobbit version

'I am called Magoldir, and my sword is Orthadel, the Rising Star. I wield it at the command of Gil-galad, and it has proven the undoing of Orcs and evil Men for the long years of this siege. I hope you do not think me forward, but I have not met one of your kind before. It is a welcome meeting, for I have heard that the value of the hól-budlan who live along the banks of the Great River cannot be measured by their stature. I am pleased to make your acquaintance, and it is my hope you will name me a friend.

'My errand today was to scout the southern reaches and report discovery of anything suspicious, but if I suspect anything now it is that these Orcs should have known better than to come this far west! Even after these long years of siege, they still test the encampments of both Men and Elves, probing for weaknesses. If they think we will relax our guard, they are mistaken, and we will prove it ever so.
'It was a pleasure to meet you, friend <class>. Return now to Díngarth and relay word of this Orc raiding-party to whichever leader there has the command. These Orcs have come to the end of their raiding days, and will trouble us no further.'

Objective 7

  • Talk to Ontamo at Díngarth

Ontamo is at Díngarth, awaiting word of your success against the Orcs.

Magoldir: 'You came today from Díngarth? Return there now and relay word of this Orc raiding-party to whichever leader there has the command. These Orcs have come to the end of their raiding days, and will trouble us no further.'
Ontamo: 'What can you say of the Orcs? Dead? Good, but it does not matter.'
Ontamo scowls and clenches his fist.
'Isildur has chosen not to come to Díngarth! This was my opportunity to impress the King of Gondor with my maintenance of the defences, and now it has come to naught! I spoke of Díngarth's importance to the Great Alliance, but it seems Isildur does not agree after all! Instead of a personal visit, he has sent his sons to assess the defences! His sons only! They can bestow neither land nor title, not while their father lives! Bah!'
'Not every subject of Gondor was willing to put the kingdom first. I was not blind to it.'