Quest:Hidden in Plain Sight
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Level | 84 |
Type | Solo |
Starts with | Sigeric |
Starts at | Mead Hall of Snowbourn |
Start Region | Snowbourn |
Map Ref | [60.5S, 62.3W] |
Ends with | Fastred |
Ends at | Mead Hall of Snowbourn |
End Region | Snowbourn |
Map Ref | [60.5S, 62.3W] |
Quest Group | Sutcrofts |
Walkthrough & Notes |
Rewards |
Quest Text | |
Bestowal dialogue'Ah, <name>... It is good to see you again! As I was just telling the Reeve, I believe I have uncovered another spy near Snowbourn. 'I was walking near the south gate when I spotted a figure in the distance wearing a bold white hand on his garb. When I caught his eye, he fled with haste along the road. 'If you would, see if you can discover his trail along the road south... I know one such as yourself would be much better equipped to handle such a fellow were you to find him!' BackgroundSigeric believes he has discovered a spy near Snowbourn. He has found a crude trail along the road south of Snowbourn and wishes you to follow it. Objective 1
Sigeric has told you that the trail of the man he spotted begins outside the south gate of Snowbourn.
Objective 2
The trail can be found along the road south and east of Snowbourn. The trail has been cold so far, but in the interest of Snowbourn, you should keep searching.
Objective 3
The crofts can be found just off the road far to the south-east of Snowbourn. Having found a banner of the White Hand, you should investigate the nearby crofts and homes for any sign of a spy.
Objective 4
The barn can be found among the croftlands to the south-east of Snowbourn. Following the trail from Snowbourn, you have found yourself outside a barn.
Objective 5
You have found Sigeric outside the barn, and he looks quite pleased to see you. You should speak to him and discover why he sent you on this hunt.
Objective 6
Fastred can be found inside the Mead Hall of Snowbourn. You have bested Sigeric, the man you rescued from Orcs near Garsfeld, and now the Rohirrim have him in their control. Fastred must be told of Sigeric's treachery.