Bestowal dialogue
"I of all my companions understand the thirst for blood. It burns in those who have seen tragedy...but Reeve Fastred must put aside his thirst, for a horde comes that knows no mercy, and only the blood of the Men of the Sutcrofts will be forfeit...."
You have accompanied the Riders Four to the camp of Reeve Fastred in the Sutcrofts in the hope of discussing the Khundolar invasion with him.
Objective 1
Talk to Burnoth.
- Burnoth, son of Baldeg: 'Ah, my friends, you have arrived. I have told Reeve Fastred of the Easterlings coming from the north, but he will not relent....'
Objective 2
- Listen to the discussion between the Riders Four and Reeve Fastred
Listen to the discussion between the Riders Four and Reeve Fastred.
- Fastred, Reeve of the Southcrofts says, "Indeed not. My folk are not cowards to run in the face of danger."
- Fastred, Reeve of the Southcrofts says, "Long have we lived beneath the shadow of Orc-raids, and always have we fought them off."
- Fastred, Reeve of the Southcrofts says, "If these Khundolar wish to spill their blood upon our spears, then I say let them. The Sutcrofts shall not fall to Orc or Easterling."
- Hutha, son of Hengest says, "What is that? Something approaches!"
- Fastred, Reeve of the Southcrofts says, "Orcs! Come, my friends, let the blood flow!"
Objective 3
- Defeat the Orcs attacking Fastred's camp
Defeat the Orcs attacking Fastred's camp.
- Ulf the Reaver says, "The ground is black with their blood! Wait...something else approaches...something large!"
Objective 4
Defeat Zakrif, the troll-commander of the Orc-company.
- Defeated Zakrif
Objective 5
Talk to Fastred.
- Fastred, Reeve of the Southcrofts: 'Well-fought, <class>! That was a dire fight, but we proved victorious.
- 'I do not doubt the accuracy of Burnoth's report, but this battle only proves my will. The people of the Sutcrofts shall stand and defend their lands.'
- Burnoth, son of Baldeg: 'Alas, we have failed here. Let us return to Snowbourn.'