Quest:Against the Grain

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Against the Grain
Level 84
Type Solo
Starts with Ecgar
Starts at Snowbourn
Start Region Sutcrofts
Map Ref [60.4S, 62.3W]
Quest Group Sutcrofts
[hide]Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'My men in the field have reported that Orcs have taken to assaulting the grain-silos around Snowbourn.

'They cannot be allowed to succeed. Our people struggle lose our stores would push us beyond breaking.

'Find my three men in the field and aid them at the silos. They can hold them for now, but I know not how long they can hold against these new invaders.'


Ecgar has heard reports of vicious Orc-assaults being made on the grain-silos near Snowbourn. Food is already scarce, and they cannot afford to lose these supplies.

Objective 1

The first Croft-guard can be found near the silo to the north of Snowbourn.

Ecgar has asked you to aid the Croft-guards in the fields of Snowbourn.

Croft-guard Captain: 'You have come just in time... the Orcs are upon us! Quicly, defend the silo!'

Objective 2

  • Defeat Orcs at the northern silo (0/4)

Orcs can be found at the silo to the north of Snowbourn.

You should help the Croft-guard defeat the Orcs attacking the northern silo.

Objective 3

The second Croft-guard can be found near the silo directly east of Snowbourn.

Ecgar has asked you to aid the Croft-guards in the fields of Snowbourn.

Croft-guard Captain: 'They come! At the ready!'

Objective 4

  • Defeat Orcs at the eastern silo (0/4)

Orcs can be found at the silo to the east of Snowbourn.

You should help the Croft-guard defend the eastern silo.

Objective 5

The last Croft-guard can be found at the silo to the south-east of Snowbourn.

Ecgar has asked you to aid the Croft-guards in the fields of Snowbourn.

Croft-guard Captain: 'We have almost broken them, but yet more attack! Fight them back!'

Objective 6

  • Defeat Orcs at the southeastern silo (0/4)

Orcs can be found fighting with Rohirrim near the southeastern silo.

You should help the Croft-guard defend the southeastern silo against the Orcs.

Objective 7

Ecgar can be found in central Snowbourn.

You should return to Ecgar and let him know that you have done as he asked.

Ecgar: 'I am sure the Orcs will continue to throw themselves upon our blades, but for your part, you have done us a great service.
'Snowbourn will stand strong for as long as we are able....'