Quest:An Unexpected Encounter

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An Unexpected Encounter
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts with Nashôn
Starts at Kruha-sûrja
Start Region Ilmabiri
Map Ref [114.1S, 142.5W]
Quest Group Umbar-môkh: Ilmabiri, the Wells
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Umbar Baharbêl is a rough city that has seen more than its fair share of war and loss. Sail-haven residents have reported petty crimes committed by small, shadowy figures spotted lurking near sewer entrances late at night. I believe that at the western end of Ilmabiri, there is an encampment of the city's homeless children. People have been referring to them as Mâtrikhai, the Unseen Ones.

'Foetid, dank sewers are no place for a child. Would you mind scouting the encampment out and seeing how they fare? I'm not sure we would be prepared to move them immediately, but we may be able to re-direct some supplies in the meantime.'


Nashôn has asked you to investigate an area of Ilmabiri beneath the Sail-haven of Umbar Baharbêl. There have been reports that lead him to believe that there is an encampment of homeless children there and he is concerned for their welfare.

Objective 1

  • Find the camp Nashôn described

Travel to the western areas of Ilmabiri and locate the camp of homeless children.

This does not appear to be a camp of children

Objective 2

  • Defeat goblins (0/6)

You have located the camp Nashôn described, but he was mistaken. This is not a camp for children.

Defeated goblins (6/6)

Objective 3

  • Investigate the goblin camp

You have discovered a camp of goblins inside Ilmabiri. You should look around the camp for clues explaining why they are here.

You spot a note

Objective 4

  • Read the note

You have discovered a camp of goblins inside Ilmabiri. While investigating the camp, you have spotted a note.

Crude Note: You're unable to read the majority of the messy scratch on the note but manage to discern that the goblins hail from Súlstrok, to the west of Umbar Baharbêl. They are here in an attempt to stage a rescue of their leader, Shakfut Slit-throat, who has gone to the arena to fight as a gladiator.

Objective 5

  • Talk to Nashôn

You have discovered a camp of goblins inside Ilmabiri. While investigating the camp, you have spotted a note indicating that they have recently come from Súlstrok to attempt to rescue their leader, Shakfut Slit-throat, from the fighting pits of the arena.

Nashôn: 'Goblins!? Are you quite sure they were not children?'
You explain that you fought some, and found a note that explains their presence.
'This is very unexpected, to say the least. Thank you for discovering this. I will pass the information along to my Captain.'