Quest:Filthy Thieves

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Filthy Thieves
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts with Gajóta
Starts at Hêbatokh
Start Region Ilmabiri
Map Ref [115.9S, 142.2W]
Quest Group Umbar-môkh: Ilmabiri, the Wells
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Making yourself useful, are you? Why don't you do something more practical like helping me? Helping me helps all of us, as I'm the one keeping everyone fed!'

Gajóta exclaims this loudly for all to hear. The other smugglers groan as if this is something they have heard many times before.

'Unfortunately, I am not only keeping my clansmen fed but the neighbours as well. Sewer rats keep getting into our food stores! I tell them we need to get a cat like on a ship, but do we have a cat? We do not.

'If you want to be of use to us, go find those filthy thieves and rid us of them.'


Gajóta, the cook at Hêbatokh, the Morutágya clan hideout, has asked you to do something about the rats that keep getting into their food stores.

Objective 1

  • Defeat Ilmabiri rats (0/6)

Sewer rats can be found throughout Ilmabiri, but may be more plentiful in Gedma-ghâr, on the eastern edge.

Defeated Ilmabiri rats (6/6)

Objective 2

  • Talk to Gajóta

You have slain many Ilmabiri rats. Return to Gajóta to let him know.

Gajóta: 'Ah, the hero returns! Did you deal with those wretched things?'
You tell him you did.
'Very good! Now you have accomplished something of import. Here, you deserve some food for your trouble.'