Quest:One Less Behemoth

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One Less Behemoth
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts with Ahûd
Starts at Kruha-sûrja
Start Region Ilmabiri
Map Ref [114.1S, 142.6W]
Quest Group Umbar-môkh: Ilmabiri, the Wells
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Greetings! Are you offering to help? I do happen to have a task you could help with if you are willing.

'There is an unusually large crocodile reported to be down here in the sewers. The people have named it Imkhâlam. I am not one to flee from danger, mind you, but I have no desire to meet Imkhâlam! If you are willing to take him on, I may suggest first collecting some meat with which to lure the behemoth out. I hear he is fond of bog-lurker meat.'


Ahûd, a guard that has been sent to help secure the sewers beneath the Sail-haven of Umbar Baharbêl, asked you to defeat a giant crocodile named Imkhâlam by the people of the city.

Objective 1

  • Collect sewer-lurker meat (0/4)
3 Chunks of Sewer-strider Meat

Ahûd suggests collecting bog-lurker meat to lure the giant crocodile Imkhâlam to you. You can find sewer-lurkers throughout Ilmabiri; the Wells.

Collected sewer-lurker meat (4/4)

Objective 2

  • Find a good place for the bait
4 Chunks of Sewer-strider Meat

Ahûd suggests collecting bog-lurker meat to lure the giant crocodile Imkhâlam to you. Find a good location in the sewers under the Sail-haven of Umbar Baharbêl to place the bait.

This looks like a good place for the bait

Objective 3

  • Place the meat to set the trap

Ahûd suggests collecting bog-lurker meat to lure the giant crocodile Imkhâlam to you. Place the bait to lure Imkhâlam to you. Imkhâlam is in the sewers beneath the Sail-haven of Umbar Baharbêl.

Objective 4

  • Summon and defeat Imkhâlam

Ahûd suggests collecting bog-lurker meat to lure the giant crocodile Imkhâlam to you. Place the bait to lure Imkhâlam to you. Imkhâlam is in the sewers beneath the Sail-haven of Umbar Baharbêl.

Objective 5

  • Talk to Ahûd

You have summoned and defeated Imkhâlam the giant crocodile. Return to Ahûd at Kruha-sûrja, the guard post in the northern part of the sewers beneath the Sail-haven of Umbar Baharbêl.

Ahûd: '<name>, you have returned! Is Imkhâlam no more? I am very impressed with your bravery as well as your skills, thank you!'