Quest:A Vile Trail

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A Vile Trail
Level 143
Type Solo
Starts with Hadorion
Starts at Barad Faen
Start Region Anfalas
Map Ref [67.0S, 81.7W]
Ends with Hadorion
Ends at Hadorion's Cottage
End Region Anfalas
Map Ref [67.0S, 81.6W]
Quest Group Anfalas
Quest Chain Indagir Trail
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'What happened here you ask? I'd like to know myself.

'Our men fallen in war, our shores given to the want of Corsairs, land, bridge, and dwelling ravaged by hatred and time. I'm used to all of that, but the sudden end of a man in the middle of the road so close to home, with no sight of Corsair, ship, or pillaging? A dark foreboding indeed... more so than what has wrought these lands for as long as I can remember.

'Perhaps you can find what I could not?'


A body is found in the middle of the road through Barad Faen. Hadorion is investigating, and needs your help to catch the perpetrator.

Objective 1

  • Search the corpse

Hadorion has asked you to search the body and see if you can find what he could not.

The clothes are stained with a green ichor, the stench is foul

Objective 2

You found traces of a green ichor on the victim's clothes. You should report to Hadorion.

Hadorion can be found in Barad Faen.

Hadorion: 'You found the victim's clothes stained in a green ichor? That seems to line up with what I found as well.
'It has a fell odour to it also. You should investigate amongst the townsfolk and see if anyone has seen this substance before.'

Objective 3

  • Talk to the careful merchant

Hadorion has asked you to question the townsfolk of Barad Faen for more information on the mysterious ichor.

Careful Merchant: 'A foul smelling green ichor? We have none of that here in Barad Faen.
'Most of our draughts are for mending and treating injuries. I cannot say such a substance comes from here.'

Objective 4

  • Talk to the anxious woman

The concerned merchant has told you the substance is foreign. You should question more townsfolk to see if they have noticed anything suspicious come through.

Anxious Woman: 'Do I have anything suspicious to report? Why, of course!
'All manner of foul play is afoot! Corsairs are harrying the shores. Animals are pestering our foragers!
'Well, there is one person I do not recognize here, and they seem very anxious.
'I couldn't tell you where to find them, but if they look out of place and disturbed, chances are you have found your quarry.'

Objective 5

  • Talk to the distressed man

The woman has told you of someone new to town that seems distressed. You should search for them.

Distressed Man: 'What is it?!'
The man is startled by your presence.
'I've done nothing wrong! I was just passing through!
'On my way to Lond Cirion, I was. My waggon was hijacked just up the road before arriving here.
'A foul smelling substance? Of course! The person who hijacked my waggon reeked of it.
'I ended up here a day later to find my waggon abandoned on the town's western exit. Surely you will find more of that wretched substance.'

Objective 6

  • Search the abandoned waggon

The man has told you that his waggon was hijacked before arriving in Barad Faen and abandoned along the western exit of Barad Faen.

You found a shard of glass stained with ichor

Objective 7

You found a shard of glass stained with the foul smelling ichor. You should return to Hadorion.

Hadorion can be found in Barad Faen.

Hadorion: 'Hmmm. This shard of glass is intriguing.
'It is... familiar to me, or rather, I've heard of this before.'
Hadorion says, "Come with me. Let us discuss this away from prying eyes."

Objective 8

  • Follow Hadorion into the cabin

Hadorion wishes to speak to you in private, follow him into his hearth.

Hadorion: 'There is more to discuss.'