Quest:If You Want to Make a Hearty Egg Breakfast...

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If You Want to Make a Hearty Egg Breakfast...
Level 134
Type Solo
Starts with Molkha
Starts at Pit of Stonejaws
Start Region Pit of Stonejaws
Map Ref [42.5S, 111.2W]
Quest Group Gundabad: Pit of Stonejaws
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'There are a lot of unhatched eggs down there in Borkordh, and I think it will be best if we keep them that way! Drakes grow up fearsome and dangerous, and their favorite breakfast is unwary dwarf!

'I enjoy eggs for breakfast, myself. But I won't be eating these, <name>, absolutely not! Go break the drake-eggs and make the Pit of Stonejaws safer for the Gabil'akkâ.'


Molkha believes you should break as many unhatched drake eggs in Borkordh as you can.

Objective 1

  • Break drake eggs (0/10)

Drake eggs can be found throughout Borkordh, on the southeast side of the Pit of Stonejaws.

Broke eggs (10/10)

Objective 2

Molkha is scouting outside the drake-nest of Borkordh in the southeast corner of the Pit of Stonejaws.

Molkha: 'It is as I always say, <name>: if you want dwarves to live long, satisfying lives full of hearty breakfasts of eggs and bacon, you can't be afraid of a few drakes.
'Something like that, anyway. Well-done, my adventuring friend.'