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Ofolmóth (Meadhollow)

Image of Ofolmóth
Gender Male
Race Beorning
Region Vales of Anduin
Area Meadhollow
Settlement Beorninghús
Map Ref [14.0N, 53.3W]

Ofolmóth is a Beorning of the line of mighty Beorn. He lives at Beorninghús with his chieftain Grimbeorn and others of his kin. He believes training and battle skill are the only virtues worthy of a true Beorning.

Beorning characters first encounter him during the Beorning intro instance at Meadhollow.

Quest Involvement

Ofolmóth (Lone-lands)

Level: 30
Region: Lone-lands
Area: Hatred of Bear and Man

Type: Signature
Genus: Man
Species: Brigand

Morale: 1,160
Power: N/A
Advanced Stats

Ofolmóth, furious with what he perceived as weakness in his kinsfolk, fled westward ultimately coming to the Lone-lands where he formed an alliance with Skorgrím Dourhand. A darkness has clearly planted its roots in his heart and mind much to the dismay of his kin-sister Langhár.

Quest Involvement