Leader of Men Skills

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These skills are acquired by spending trait points in the Leader of Men (yellow) trait tree. You can only obtain the Set skills if you specialize in this tree.

Active Skills Category CD Source
 Song-brother Toggle Buff 1s Level: 10
 Inspire (Song-brother) Melee + Power 15s Level: 22
 Gallant Display Melee AoE + Heal + Threat 5s Level: 26
 To Arms (Song-brother) Buff 1m Level: 40
 Hammer-stroke Melee 45s Set: Initial Skill
 Elendil's Roar Taunt 1m Set: Initial Skill
 Threatening Shout Taunt 15s Trait:  Threatening Shout
 Noble Mark Debuff 3s Trait:  Noble Mark
 Last Stand Buff + Heal 5m Trait:  Last Stand
 In Harm's Way Buff 3m Trait:  In Harm's Way
 Standard of Valour Standard 1m Trait:  Standard of Valour
 Strength in Numbers Heal 1m Trait:  Strength in Numbers
 Song-brother's Call Buff 1m 30s Trait:  Shield-brother's Call
 At the Fore Buff + Heal 3m Trait:  At the Fore