Social:Kinships of Laurelin
This article is a Kinship information page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official LOTRO history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The kinships and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Laurelin [English-RP]
Many foreign language kinships exist on Laurelin: see Foreign Language Kinships below
- Aegis of the Argonath - (RP kinship) Ancient peacekeepers of the region Argonath, the region that once held the peace between elves and the evil from the far south. Led by Xaerys Aegias the peacekeepers always search for mighty warriors to aid them in the neverending battle against evil. The Aegii always stand together and always guard eachothers backs. Honour, Courage and Allegiance. Thats our code.
- Alliance of the Free People Sworn to an oath to protect Middle Earth, races from all corners join together to fight the growing threat of evil, formed by a powerful wizard by the name of Cian. We are a medium role playing kinship for all races, we are mature and accept any level characters. We play both pve and pvp so join the ever growing Alliance of the Free People and help defend Middle Earth, and fulfil our oath.
- Archers of the Golden Wood - (Medium RP Kinship) It was in the Second Age. A lonely hunter, Feldunir Elorin, was hunting in the Golden Wood. He was alone. And as the sun comes down, it is getting colder. Feldunir thought he might saw another target for his hunting. He slowly approached it. Suddenly he recognized that there was nothing and he heard a strange noise from the right side in the bushes. He immediately turned his had. A little goblin he saw there, doing something. Feldunir stood still, trying not to move. The goblin stopped to rummage around. It seems the goblin knew that someone is behind him. The little creature turned his head directly to the hunter. Starring at him. Not moving at all. Feldunir started to feel threatend by those green and cold eyes of this goblin. A short moment passed and the goblin ran away. Into the woods of Mirkwood. The hunter saw the darkness. The mist and dark woods scared Feldunir. He did not follow the goblin. Instead he visited Galadriel. Told her his feelings and the fear that he felt. Also when there was nothing to fear. Galadriel told him that she was feeling the same way. And something must be done. Who knows what lurks in those dark woods of Mirkwood or beyond. There has to be a protection. Galadriel invited more archers. A meeting was formed. There were not many good archers. Feldunir and Madox were called. And a task was given to them. They had to gather more archers and form a council. So the Archers of the Golden Wood were created. A kinship with elven archers inside. Feldunir traveled to many places. In the pony he found, Aiumdurr. Another very good hunter, who promised to be one of the Archers. So in this kinship you can find one of the best ones, that Galadriel can offer to protect the Golden Wood and maybe all of Middle-Earth.
- Avant Guard - (Rp Kinship) A Hot bed and Warm meal in the middle of a storm raging against the shadow, always welcoming new members to the Resting place of Avant Guard before returning to the fight. Leader Faelalal Ethelearan has built and is continuing to grow a Kin always ready to fight to bring light back to Middle Earth, and a safe haven they can depend on. All race Kinship around since Beta.
- The Awakening - The Awakening (TA) is formed by a mix of die-hard MMORPG gamers and newbies that generally seek to just have a good time. TA members help each other out when questing and crafting, sharing items and crafting materials between the kin. TA is closely connected to the Exilum forum: all members of the kinship are also forum members on Exilum. Role Playing is not a goal of TA, but it respects the role playing preferences of other people on the server. TA was founded by Sheant on 13 April 2007, at the eve of the European pre-release.
- Band of Gypsies - (PVE Kinship)
- The Blue Mountains Regiment - King Under the Mountain Dain II Ironfoot ordered Dwalin to form a Regiment to protect the Blue Mountains and Ered Luin from enemy threats.Welcoming every single dwarf to under the banner of The Blue Mountains Regiment.(Dwarf-only RP-Kinship with uniforms, ranks, several kin houses, regular events and a friendly, helpful environment. Events are parades, military excursions, pub events, crafting events etc.)
- The Bree Civilians [1] - The Bree Civilians is a heavy roleplay kinship that is aimed at mainly humans and hobbits that spend most of their roleplaying time in Breeland. This kinship is fairly new, however has been accepted into the LRPA. In the future, this kinship will be hosting many fun events for anyone to attend. Also, we hope for some of our members to have IC jobs such as having their own shops where they can sell to others in roleplay. Currently Rank 4.
- The Bright Melody (or TheBrightMelody) Formerly one of Withywindle's oldest and largest kinships, we have a variety of members, including both solo players and raiders, and an alliance channel with several other kinships. All crafts are represented and crafting between kin members is free so long as materials are provided. Rank 10 etc. English is our lingua franca but we have players speaking many languages who can help you. Although the largest part of our membership comes from Europe, with playing times corresponding, we also have several players from North America, as well as Asia, Africa and Australia. No bigots, no Harfoots.
- The Brotherhood of Denothlian Orginally members of the Firstborn, brothers Faybian, Faybrial, Faybor and Faybenoir Denothlian joined by their faithful hobbit cook Dommy. Faybian as an experienced hunter took control of the Kin and employed Angrieth as his heir and protege. Opening the doors of the kin to any and all with adventure in their hearts and a good sense of humour, the Brotherhood looks to go from strength to strength.
- Children Of Arda - We are a small mixed race Kinship formed by a group of friends. English speaking, mature, medium to heavy RP'ers of all races are welcome
- The Children of Iluvatar - The Children of Iluvatar is a mature, rank 10 kinship. The Children of Iluvatar, or TCOI for short, holds true to a fairly simple overarching gaming philosophy which is to create and enjoy a fun, relaxed, mature and respectful gaming experience. TCOI prides itself on avoiding overly restrictive time requirements, rules or regulations.To make the gaming experience as fun as possible, we try to schedule at least 2 meetings every week. We use these meetings to RP, skirmish, raid, and more.
- Clan Dreadlock of Khand - [Longbeards with his father Durin are not the only one branch of dwarves. There are six more - Broadbeams, Firebeards, Ironfists, Stiffbeards, Blacklocks and Stonefoots, although these branches and names of their fathers are not so well-known. One folk of them, Blacklocks, did set up his home in mountains of the desert and hot land of Khand. During all the Ages, Blacklocks were forced to defend their halls against wild Khandian barbarians and orcs from Mordor. 10 years before Dwalin's reclamation of dwarven cities in Ered Luin, Blacklocks were finally driven out from their home in Khand. many were killed and many have fallen to slavery in Mordor. Only few clans, such Dreadlocks, were able to find safe place among dwarves in Thorin's Hall.] We are small dwarf-only kinship, with our uniform (civilian and ceremonial), colors (green, red and yellow) and our hallmark is dreadlock hair-style. Role-playing is not required, but more than warmly welcome! All dwarf who want join Dreadlocks, let contact our seneschal Lagi.
- Company of the Black Thorn - Commen knowledge focused around Bree-land/ IC LORE only! The Company of the Black Thorn is rumoured to be a newly build mercenary Company, based in Bree. And the soldiers are a mixture of races and nationalities. More specifically they are specialists in different areas of skills. Although these "Experts" have their issues from time to time, With eachother as with strangers. They sort of get the job done.... Sort of... What their motivation and goal is, is still largely unknown to the general populace. Rumour has it that they will take any job for coins and no questions asked... As long as they get paid half in advance and half on delivery... Whatever that might be..!
- Company Of Rhovanion - We are a Role-playing kinship from the Lord of The Rings Online Laurelin server. Background: Formed following the Battle of the Five armies, the Company of Rhovanion is an elite group of warriors, rogues and mystics formed originally by the Istari, Radagast the Brown. It was formed to defend the wide lands of Rhovanion from the growing threats all around and within this vast land. Free from the restraints of Kings and prejudices, the Company is made up of Men, Elves and Dwarves, hand picked from the free people of Rhovanion. Their purpose and doctrine is simple - to take the fight to the enemy, with extreme prejudice, wherever they are found. Whether working alone or in small groups the Company execute their mission with skill and tenacity. This maybe by aiding local populations with small localized issues, aiding other agents of good in the war against the shadow or launching daring raids on enemy fortresses and interests. Now, storm clouds gather all around. The wizard Saruman reveals himself to be in league with Sauron and the Great Enemy himself threatens to sweep all before him. Agents of the Company, under direction from Radagast, have been dispatched not only within Rhovanion but also to distant lands. Wherever the enemy maybe found, agents of the Company will not be far away.
- Coursera - Kinship for current and former students of Online Games: Literature, New Media, and Narrative Kinship chat is rarely used, instead they have a user created channel 'coursera' for chatting. Kinship leader is Tadegar.
- Dirnenáro na Dôr - Guardians of the Land, in the Elvish Sindarin language. This is a casual English-speaking RP Kinship in which the members often get together and quest in an RP style format. Created at the birth of LOTRO, we hold a tightly knitted friendly roleplaying experience.
- Durin's Folk - Friendly, dwarf only, English speaking, medium RP kinship; one of the oldest on Laurelin. Late in the Third Age, with troubles arising and a shadow in the East, King Dáin Ironfoot of the Lonely Mountain ordered the establishment of the kinship of Durin's Folk, serving to unite the Longbeards abroad and unify them beneath a single banner. Be it by trading, fighting, merriment (mainly drinking) or lore-writing, the dwarves of Durin's folk promote unity and the interests of the king throughout Middle-Earth. Now with a new, fifth kin-hall in Erebor, Lord Duinn's legacy grows stronger than ever.
- The Elders Kinship - We came into being on the Gilrain server in 2007 and in 2015, with the server closures, we have moved to Laurelin. The Elders was one of the very oldest kinships on Gilrain (in all senses of the word *cough*). We are a relaxed, friendly, informal and extremely friendly kinship with a minimum age of 25yrs. Most of our membership are 35+ yrs old. We have a mixed community ranging from very casual players to a significant number of keen & proficient raiders (and all are equally valued by us). We operate an open-door policy to membership - very simply, if you're old enough to be an Elder, try us out. There are no class/level restrictions. Visit our website at
- Elf of the Grey Havens - A casual RP kinship for elves and elf-friends currently based in the Grey Havens. The kinship mostly exists to grant the "title" of "Elf of the Grey Havens" under the character name, and to allow an eventual kinhouse for RP in the Grey Havens. Contact Doroninnel in-game for more info.
- Elf of Imladris - A casual RP kinship for elves and elf-friends currently based in Imladris. The kinship mostly exists to grant the "title" of "Elf of Imladris" under the character name, and to allow an eventual kinhouse for homestead RP. Contact Narthannel in-game for more info.
- Elven Wine Brigade - Small and friendly UK kinship. We are opened to all races, classes, ideas and activities. Small RP is welcomed although not a necessity. New friendly (and mature) members are always welcomed.
- Embers - One of the first Laurelin kinships, inactive as of 2019.
- Evenstar Alliance - Evenstar Alliance is mainly a PvE based kinship. Crafting, MPvP, Raiding and RP is also encouraged, but is not our main focus. Our goal is to get the absolute maximum out of this game! We're not a huge kinship since we prefer to know our members; "quality over quantity" as they say. "Where darkness has overcome light, we bring light back again."
- Expeditions of Middle-earth - Hail and Salutations! Do you seek the open road? Do the wilds call to you? Come join Expeditions of Middle-earth! We are a light RP kinship focused on social interactions through both IC and OOC events, questing and games centered in different areas of Middle-earth. Feel free to send a Tell for more information or invitation.
- Fëanáró Nosseö - Fëanáró Nosseö (Kin of Feanor in Quenya, the language of the Eldar) is a kinship based on the EN-RP Laurelin server, started on 8/24/2013 by Lasaraeg Silmariliath and a band of enthusiastic elves, bent on creating a sizeable community of casual, social gamers - whose first rule in gaming is to have fun, as long as the manner of having fun does not obstruct the same right to their fellow players. We greatly admire the work of J.R.R. Tolkien, but we are not the kind of kin that scorns people for being out of character, if they give us the same courtesy. Basically, Fëanáró Nosseö can be described in three words: Tolerance, Friendship and Fun. If you feel you would like to give us a try, feel free to apply via our website, or (preferably) by contacting our leader Vidback or an officier.
- The Family - The Family is a Rank-10 social kinship, originally hailing from Withywhindle. Nominated for a Dragonslayer award for its welcoming and openly relaxed kinship culture, The Family does not specialize in any particular facet of the game, but is rather highly regarded for in-depth instruction and teaching in various aspects of LOTRO game play. Ages, locations, character levels and experience vary in the kin. The central theme is, generally, "let's do something fun". Kin chat is not used for RP purposes, but we have role-playing members. We are tight-knit in certain ways and require a probation period for new people, though mergers often bypass that period. Prize draws, themed kin auctions and special events are regular occurrences, as are the more typical instance runs, Epic/Big Battle sessions and skirmishes/skraids. We sometimes announce hosted pick-up-group runs on the server's world channel and run all PUG-open sessions with transparent loot rules. Join in and have some fun!
- Fellowship of The Song- FoTS is a respected kin and believe in helping your fellow man (Elf,dwarf and hobbits too) while having a laugh. Occasionally RP in kin chat. If you would like to join our merry bunch send a message to any FoTS members asking to join and either they will get back to you or an officer will.
- The Galhoth - Elves of Middle-Earth hear this call! The Galhoth, an Elven-based medium Rp Kinship is recruiting! We need strong warriors to help us defend the remain Elf-Lands from the Shadow! We are a group of Elves that try and Roleplay a elven army. Contact Amrindir, Gelmoth or Gilanis ingame
- Genesis of the Free - We are an established Mixed-Race Medium-RP Kinship, with Members of Levels from below 10 up to 65, and all Levels in between. Our Kin-House is located in the Falathlorn Homesteads. We have our own (not GuildPortal-hosted) self-maintained Library/Forum -- the link above leads to our publicly visible Forum where information for visitors is located, with a number of additional Forums being visible to our Kin-Members, comprising a range of both In-Character and OOC Discussion Boards, an Image Gallery, RP Stories and an Off-Topic Forum. Our intention is to maintain a Kinship comprising all Races, Classes and Levels of Middle-Earth's community, working together and supporting each other in all aspects of the game: enjoyable role-playing, events, lively RP and OOC chat, Crafting, socialising, exploring, shared combat -- Quests, Deeds, Epic Quests, simple "for the fun of it" battles and missions -- and, now, Skirmishing -- all in all, everything the game has to offer, in a relaxed, mature and, above all, enjoyable way. We believe that the game, and the wonderful Realm of Middle-Earth (as depicted in book, films and game!) has far more to offer than just fast-levelling, raiding (including the endless repetition of the same Instances) and gear-chasing, so, as well as obviously helping each other to gain Experience Levels and progress within the game, we also try to take advantage of the many other aspects of life in Middle-Earth. We are not a "raiding" Kinship, and those players who are only interested in fast-levelling, raiding and acquiring high-Level gear would probably not find us suitable. We are a little more diverse than that, although naturally the odd raid is done, and, as stated, supporting each other in progressing up in Levels is certainly a significant part of what we have to offer, but not our sole intention. If you are interested in joining and contributing to an expanding, lively, mature-minded, fun and pleasant Kinship, and enjoying relaxed and sociable RP and OOC chat, help and support, please either send an email to "" or, preferably, contact one of our Officers in-game: Demelza (Kinship Leader), Astraion, Bragnaer, Marshlight or Theonfrid. We ask only for you to be an active player (i.e. joining us more often than once in a blue moon!), with enthusiasm, goodwill, a mature attitude, the acceptance of others' chosen play styles, and the desire to become a part of a friendly, helpful and active Kinship, where ALL Members (Leader and Officers included!) share equal importance and all ideas and contributions are welcomed.
- Gifts of the Hornburg - The Hornburg are an active, friendly, and heavy role-playing kinship eager for new members. Our story focuses primarily on a rumored ancient stone of power lost within Helms Deep long ago. Some have been led to believe this stone to have shattered and spread across the lands of Middle-earth, where Wulgan and his party of adventurers seek them out with haste. The main story arc of the guild is set in an episodic fashion where a team of three writers structures the events and writes future episodes prior. We meet almost everyday, and role-play is happening somewhere in one way or another by one of our members. An interview is preferred for joining, as it allows skills in writing and creativity to be discerned before being accepted into the kinship. Send a letter to Wulgan, Magdhalena, or Lynila in game to set a time and a date. Current member count is 15 plus and rising.
- Grand Order of the Lost Mathom (RP Kinship) - The Grand Order of the Lost Mathom are the oldest and most succesful Hobbit role-playing kinship to be found on Laurelin and as such welcome a wide variety of members from across Europe (though English remains our common language). We are a close-knit, middle-sized kinship whose emphasis is on friendship, community and camaraderie, and where we place great emphasis on the quality of our members. We have been heavily involved in bringing the Shire to life since the very beginning and many unique initiatives that are still in place today are the result of our hard work and commitment. We are involved in all aspects from socialising, events, questing and end-game content. The all hobbit band 'The Songburrow Strollers' are made up of talented musicians from our ranks. For more information or to contact us please visit our website.
- The Grey Guard - The Grey Guard is a well established Kin on the Laurelin server which has predominantly attracted a slighter "older" playerbase. Regular events as well as a dedicated Kin Leadership continue to strengthen the community within this Kin. Applications for membership are fully forum-based on their own website and this has thus far ensured a solid and mature team of players whose simple objective is to have some fun within the game. Current players are typically based in the UK, Denmark and Sweden and the Kin is typically extremely active of an evening. There is currently a strong push amongst members to create a viable crafting system which is dedicated to providing materials and items for the entire Kin.
- Hand of Justice- Hand of Justice is one of the original kins (founded on day 1 of the servers going live), but is one of the casualties of larger guilds squabbling and falling apart. Although the kinship still exists, the active members have all left for pastures new; whether that's other kins or left the game entirely.
- Hébuin - The Hébuin are keepers of knowledge and of history of Arda, guardians of things that should not be forgotten. The kinship of the Hébuin has at its heart scholars and masters of the lore orchestrating the kinship's efforts to uncover and preserve knowledge across Middle-earth. Supporting the Hébuin archivists are kinsmen of diverse skills and abilities.
- The Hobbitry-in-Arms (Hobbit-only roleplay/adventuring kinship) Calling all Hobbits! The horns are sounding in the Shire! With talk of brigands and WORSE sorts reaching us, the Hobbitry-in-Arms is mustering. Are you worthy of wielding a shovel, rolling pin, saucepan, or whatever you have to hand? Enjoy fine company, a full belly and good gossip? Send a letter by the Quick Post (our website) to join!
- The Hot Pot Hunting Party (HOBBIT ONLY) (Alts Allowed/Light RP/PvE/Casual Focused Kin) - Proud members of the 'Hot Pot Dining Association' in Bywater, 'The Hot Pot Hunting Party' was formed in order to scour the lands of Middle-Earth in search of new and tasty delicacies for use in their reknowned stews and broths. A fairly new assocation to the folk of The Shire, they live a life of high adventure, and tred areas normal folk would deem too risky in pursuit of the ultimate ingredient. For more information on the party ask around for their leader, Pogbert. If he's not dead, drunk, or in the stocks, I'm sure he'd be more than happy to hear from you.
- House of Endor - House of Endor is a Kinship for mature people who enjoy each others company and the works of Mr JRR. The Kinship was founded during pre-release and imposes no rules whatsoever on its members. We do not recruit but if we enjoy playing with you then you're welcome onboard. Then again, it doesn't matter if you're kin or not, we just try to enjoy ourselves out there.
- House of Hammerhand - We are a related family of Hobbits and friends of the family. Many generations ago the members of our house were scattered to the winds and we search for them still. If you feel that you might be a descendant then contact our matriarch who is named Diamond. We look forward to welcoming back long lost members or our kin, and you can expect to be taken in with open arms. House of Hammerhand is a roleplaying kinship.
- The House of Telcontar - The House of Telcontar is a very old kinship founded only a few months after the official realease of LotRo. The kinship is based on the Middle-Earth lore as it is the Royal House of Aragorn Elessar Telcontar after his crowning. In-game our role is still of the Ranger as Aragorn hasn't been yet crowned. Everyone is accepted regardless of race, class, gender, level or age. We are just trying to build a strong and loyal army to defend Middle-Earth against its' terrors.We can help with anything, from leveling and crafting to raids. You can speak or send mail to: Brognor, Felaborn, Imladrisdil, Inglin, Arnedui, Arnothorn, Camgurth, Camcaran, Camlaure, Femarath and Camarath for any questions, information and applications to join.
- House Surefoot - House Surefoot, open to Hobbits and Hobbit-friends, is a casual-RP guild of friends that enjoys exploring the game environment and having fun. Surefoot is a somewhat reclusive Hobbit house, with tons of lore behind it. If you've ever had an urge to be in a Hobbit family, this might be for you!
- The Hummerhorns - The Hummerhorns is one of the oldest kinships on Laurelin and is very active even though we are mostly casual players. We have all sorts of activities ranging from chicken runs, raids, epic questing, craft material runs, and all kinds of other fun events. We have a great community of which many players are very eager to help eachother when there is need. There's always room for new ideas from everyone in our kinship, whether you are officer or recruit and our website is your greatest tool. There you can plan your own event on our calendar and you will be the person in charge of which classes can join and which cannot and with how many players you enter your event. The Hummerhorns are all about fun and opportunity and not about obligations. If you have not met us in game yet and want to team up, please feel free to apply on our website or contact one of our officers there for further information. If you wish to know what a hummerhorn really is, check:
- Keepers of Silmarils The Keepers of Silmarils were founded many years ago as an Elven RP kin. Today, we're focusing more on game content than RP and we are one of the larger kins of the server. We welcome all races, all classes, and people from all around the world into our kin. We're a great pick for both new players and active raiders, and will do everything we can to improve your gaming experience. The relaxed and mature atmosphere and the possibility to ask for help/advice whenever you need it makes our kin stand out in the crowd.
- Kinn-Lai - We represent an elven-people, living far away in the Uttermost South of the world. Our RP is concentrated in the Old Forest, which we use as setting for the Jungle and rarely till never do we leave it. Our Kin is parted into castes that oblige many rules and traditions. The Warriors are currently our leading caste, with our King Odhir and Queen Tathsume on the head of the council. Our scholars teach us of wisdom and forgotten lore, while the Labourers form many things of beauty, such as our cities Tie'Iama, Kei Urdhasa or Kinn-Sala. If you are interested in something new and would like to seek us out, so come forth with your own Kinn-Lai and we shall welcome you!
- Kinship of Steel - Mae Govannen or Welcome from The Kinship of Steel which is led by the Minstral Fingalen and dedicated to the ongoing fight against the Lord of Mordor and his dark servants. We are a friendly roleplaying kinship playing on the Laurelin server. We welcome all classes and races and at this time no level restrictions. Please feel free to look at our website and talk to any of us in-game or contact us via the website if you would like to join us. Although The Kinship of Steel is an RP guild, we are not nutters and won't insist you stay in role 100% of the time. The idea is to have fun in an immersive way. Hopefully LotRO will provide RP opportunities that many other mmorpgs do not. As well as Fingalen look out for Gerag the Dwarf, Heimdall, Ariawen of Rivendell and Bristo to name just a few... You can guarantee they will be getting themselves in trouble where ever you see them (especially me, Ariawen !) Vanya sulie. Steel is the colour of the night, the moon and our blades and arrow tips.
- Knights of Gondor - The Knights of Gondor are an experienced, hardcore roleplaying guild. We strive for having the most fun out of roleplaying! There are many events that will take place, publicly and privatley which will enhance your gameplay greatly.There will be parades, uniforms, battles, you name it, we RP it. We roleplay exactly what we are called, Knights of Gondor. You will find out much more information as you browse through the site.
- Laiquendi Order - The Laiquendi Order is a Sanctuary of all Elves of various descents. We are a home for the Nandor descendants, Noldo remnants, Sindar from Doriath, Falathrim of the Coasts and Silvan of distant lands. We welcome all Eldar to unite under one banner of hope, to bring light to lands without and restore that which we all love, the realm of Endor. In ages past the host of the Teleri under the watchful wisdom of Lenwe lingered in the east, taking bliss from the peace and green quiet lands. Much to learn of all kinds of life, and a great understanding of nature was kindled in lands of twilight. It was only those under the following of Denethor that passed the Hithlaeglir and Eriador to come to the Ered Luin and Ossiriand. There for many years peace was had until the return of the Deep Elves and war was loosed upon the tranquil Beleriand. Denethor's fall upon Amon Ereb marked the beginning of the ancestrial line of the Laiquendi People. Thus was founded, in time, the Laiquendi Order. A secluded and lone clan of Elves that belonged to the Land of the Seven Rivers, to which the final Elven Haven and Sanctuary was forever established.
- The Last Resistance - is a new kinship on RP Laurelin. Our kin is open for friendy people of all races. to join please vistit website.
- Legacy - The Dark Lord has returned and the descendants of those great warriors, who still carry the Seal, are taking up arms again to fight the inevitable war. Where most people are oblivious to the danger still and carry on with their everyday lives, the members of the Legacy stand ready once again, grimly determined to uphold their family honor.
- Light of Dawn - We are an intentionally small kinship, light RP, run by people old enough to know better and very relaxed with regards to particpation of members in kin events and crafting. Feel free to stop by our forums sometime.
- Lósengriol - (Website under construction) Lore-guided Elven RP kinship on Laurelin (although this is not mandatory, it is our primary emphasis). Relaxed, friendly atmosphere - we are a new kin founded by players who want to foster an accepting, inclusive environment for all Elven/High Elven characters, with an Allies of Lósengriol kin for Elf-friend alts of other races. Kinhouse will have crafting amenities, and we happily craft for members and others, with Discord and kinchat being OOC (as are questing and instances, with which we will also help. Imladris-based, with events on Central European Time, although we have and accept North American members also. Contact Manadhlaer, Branalph, Glinthir, or Glorfingwë. Elf RP doesn't have to be complicated! New players or RPers welcome.
- Loth-Elenion - Loth-Elenion which is sindarin for “a Flower amongst the Stars”, is a friendly small casual kinship. We love RP and the great world Prof. Tolkien created, the kinship is based on Elvish traditions but we accept all races (as elf friends). RP is not mendetory, as we are more relaxed and we enjoy other aspects of the game aswell, like questing, deeding and high end content (when we get there)
- Loth-i-Lonnath - (meaning "Flower of the Havens"), is a rank 10, Elf only, highly immersive roleplaying kinship, based in the Grey Havens of Lindon. Our focus is primarily on Teleri / Falathrim elves. These are the elves of the western shores who are under the lordship of Círdan. We portray the elves of the Third Age with the grace, joy and song that is characteristic of those evoked in the books. Loth-i-Lonnath is an attempt to open a window on the breadth of Elven society, illustrating the relationship of interdependence between those who defend the folk of Lindon, and the locals themselves. This offers a range of immersion and activity, from acting in a martial unit tasked with maintaining an effective defence against any threats, to the safety of the Elven lands of western Eriador, to playing one of the residents of Falathlorn - bakers, crafters, woodsmen, boatmen, bards - going about their daily affairs. ---- Founded in May 2010, and still active as of 2023, Loth-i-Lonnath is well-established, stable, and mature. We're one of the few remaining kinships from the early days of Laurelin that have held firm to our original objective of providing ★purposeful, lore-observant Elven roleplay.★ Holding a deep appreciation for the works of Professor Tolkien, we strive to honour the world he created by respecting the lore. Loth-i-Lonnath enjoys a distinguished history on Laurelin for providing an authentic Elven home for roleplayers who desire a deep dive into what it feels like to be an elf in Middle-Earth. Whether you're new to roleplaying, or highly experienced, if you want to feel like an elf in Middle-Earth, we're the kinship for you.
- The Maiden's Spear - A medium rp, all female character kinship, with a light focus on a military theme. All classes, levels, and races welcome, the only stipulation is that your character is female (dwarven ladies exist!). While we are still building numbers now, we plan to have a story line, kin events (both OOC and IC!), and other fun things going on. Please see our site for more information, and we hope to see you soon! Happy adventuring!
- The Misfits - (RP/Social Kinship) - A kinship formed to help those new to role-play or shy about participating. We are mostly english speaking and open to all of Middle Earth's ethnic groupings. Led by Rhavanielle and Morwee.
- The Mithril Guard - We are an English speaking, Dwarf only Tolkien style medium role playing kinship! We have existed for many months now and continue to grow! Our aim is to take role playing out of the towns and hubs and into all parts of the game! We enjoy everything from low level "patrols", tavern nights and crafting to high end Moria and Ettenmoor raids. We accept any level or class as long as you are a Dwarf! Contact Vunar to find out more or visit our website linked above.
- Mithril Order - We're a small, but growing Kinship made up of a few founding members with a long roleplay background; having created and been a part of successful roleplay guilds in a number of MMORPG's. 'The Mithril Order' was born out of an idea for a mithril obsessed Dwarf-only kinship, driven by a desire to reclaim their inheritance. We are a fun, mature RP guild (with an OOC kinship chat policy) looking for like-minded people to share in our grand endeavours.Some background info is listed on our own page on this wiki, which should give you a feel for what we're about. Further to that, you'll find some background lore by clicking the 'Khazad-dûm' link on our website.Please feel free to contact us or join the forums if you would like to join us, have any questions, or if you'd just like to say hello!
- The Mossbank Family Farm - A small Bree-land RP/crafting kinship welcoming of all races, classes, and crafting professions! ICly we're a farm on the outskirts of Napgrove, led by Gail Mossbank with life-saving assistance from Reora of the Vales. OOCly we're a collective of crafters who freely share ingredients and have fun decorating the house. Join our Discord or contact Gailswyth in-game for more info.
- The Mystics of the Third Age The Mystics are a group of brave and valiant warriors assembled by Radagast the Brown himself, and Established with one intention. To seek out all enemies of the free peoples and defeat the Dark forces where ever they may skulk in Middle-Earth. We are a Raiding Kin with medium RP, and welcome all races... For what is victory, if it is not victory for all! If you're interested in both raiding and medium RP than please contact us in-game.
- The New Horizon - (Webpage under construction) The New Horizon is a kinship with open Roleplaying and free to all races. We value freidnship, loyalty and a mature enviorment for our members. Our goal is not to create a vast number of power leveling players to be the most powerful group of people, we, however, aim to create a stable enviorment with diverse players who each contribute to the whole. We hope to achieve a community where by strength through friendship we can create one of the better kinship in Middle-Earth. We are now a very small and new kinship, but as we grow I (Ruthir, Leader and founder) will create a website and forum where we can communicate. We might also host a voice server in the future. If you are interested in joining us you can apply by sending a in-game mail to Ruthir.
- Nost-e-Thawarwaith - is a lore-observant, light-RP Wood Elf kinship. We are an as yet small, but cheerful and enterprising group of Elves. We welcome all classes, levels, and play styles, and are also happy to help out newcomers to role-playing. Visit our website for more Wood Elf lore:
- The Nordic Protectors The Nordic Protectors is a Nordic based Kinship. We focus on the fun part in Middle Earth, but that being said, we do not take our quests and deeds lightly. We aim to help each other through our adventures and strive to learn as we all go along our different paths. We have mature players, in all levels, races and classes. Attending RP-events adds to our experience, although we do not require it from our members - we do however require respect towards others.
- I Nosse En Ancalimon {RP Kinship} I Nosse En Ancalimon {The Family of Ancalimon} are an English speaking Elven only role playing kinship (with an OOC kinship chat policy), based in Ered Luin. We are a small but friendly group who, while we prefer quality over quantity, do accept those new to role playing that are willing to learn! We hold regular events and are an active kinship. Will you take up arms and join the fight with us?
- Nuin Giliath - Peace and Tolerance Under The Stars. Nuin Giliath are a mixed race, light RP Kinship. We encourage a fun and immersive experience in Middle Earth without being too serious or Lore heavy. Our activities include Ettenmoors, Raids, Fellowship Quests and general helping each other out.
- The Oaks - A friendly kinship of (mainly) European players formed from the merging of a number of kinships. Two of the founding kinships were the Oaken Saplings and Oldlineth, hence the name. All our members are a friendly and sociable multi-cultural bunch, predominantly from the UK, but we also have members from across the EU. You would be hard pressed to find a more helpful and welcoming kinship! Our goals as a kinship are quite loose. We enjoy social chatting, fellowship grouping for all levels and go out of our way to help other members with crafting and quests. Oldlineth-Oaks has a wonderful system for item sharing and you can always pick up free recipies and crafting materials in kinship chat. All the main classes and crafting vocations are covered to master level, so tier 5 gear is easy to come by. We do organise periodic raids too, The Rift being the current favourite. On Raids we frequently ally with other Kinships to achieve the right balance, notably the TLords and The Western Alliance.
- Order of the North - We are a laid back kinship, who welcome all mature and friendly players of all races, classes and professions. We are a kinship, who don't dwell heavily on rules, nor do we tell our members how to play the game - we wan't to be a mix of every sort of player to allow everyone to do as they wish, within a certain theme and with people they can get to know and call their kinmen and friends. Order of the North has its very own role-playing history and our site has a role-playing section for those interested in that, we also aim to do raids, and events meant for fun and relaxation and shaking people together. Special events for RP'ers include our very own reputation system. In short - Order of the North is about having fun and enjoing LotRO. If you wish to join our family select the link in the top and register online or seek out an officer in-game.
- Order of the White Flame - We are a small old kinship that emphasizes being social and having fun playing the game. We have our own band The White Flames, that plays primary pop, rock, metal and jazz. We are light roleplay, it's something we mostly do at kin meetings and events. We are mixed race, mixed classes and all levels. Leader is Trincia.
- People of the Shire - (Light/Medium RP kin) A band of like-minded hobbits with peaceful souls but brave hearts, gathered together to form a kinship they began to call the People of the Shire. Unfortunately, during registration at the local shirriff's office - the enthusiastic young hobbit who had volunteered to do all the paperwork, got a little nervous and when the stern Keeper of the Books barked the question, "NAME?!" The cowed young hobbit squeaked in terror and forgot to add an all important word, 'the' to the registration papers. And so the People of Shire were named. Only now, can the nervous young hobbit's error be wiped clean. A new era can begin for the People of the Shire. ((This kin has a leadership rotation, which currently includes Silkweed, Firefern and Carme. Please contact one of these shirriffs (or junior shirriff Miralith) if you wish to discuss membership, or alternatively you are welcome to apply via our website. Thank you.))
- Phoenix Legion - Large kinship full of high-level players.
- Precept - Precept is a European top raiding guild, and third in the World overall (based on existing content). And *gasp* we roleplay too. We're a mixed bunch of mature friendly people, been there and done it in many other MMO's and found a nice quiet place to relax in LotRO.
- The Pride (Of Middle- Earth) - English Speaking Role-Play Kinship, We are the pride of Middle- Earth we are an open to all races Kinship, we provide help to those in need, and create Role-Play scenarios to help the player feel more at home. We are small now but soon we will flourish, with your help we can grow into a formidable kinship that will stand together against the Shadow. The Witch-King will be the first to fall, soon we and all other free peoples will conquer evil. We stand against not only the shadow but others who stand against us, The Dourhands, the Barrow-Wights anyone who wishes to stand in the way...
- Radix Lecti - We are a R10 mixed kinship of all races, classes and nationalitys, we also have our own kinhouse. We regularly run endgame raids but in a more casual style (nothing forced upon our members), we try to have some light rp activitys and we hope we will have even more here under turbines management. We have a member forum that can be found here and we also have our own Teamspeak server that can be used whenever our members want to have a little chat or while raiding/grouping. What we want in our kinship is openminded and friendly folks who dont mind having some fun, we are not a hardcore kin and never will be. Despite this we have done most ingame content that can be found and we are never afraid to try our limits as a kin. For more information about how to apply please visit Radix Lecti Forum or contact one of our officers ingame.
- The Rangers - (Mixed race, roleplaying kinship, doing (endgame) questing and raids, [EN-RP] Laurelin) - . ~Rangers! Gather from all directions the Wind can blow! When we call for arms, will you come forth and aid us? Will you range the lands and lead the way in the front lines of battle?~ We are a gathering of Rangers, those that roam the borders and the wild lands in order to cleanse these lands of fear and evil. Our kinship was initiated at the end of this Age. In 2757, a call for help from the Horse Lords in Rohan was sent forth, being under attack by Dunlending forces. Many strong arms responded to the call, and various Men, Elves and even a few Dwarves found themselves fighting together. They united under one banner at Rohan's borders and it was Alekz Eldosar, a Mirkwood Elf, who shouted: " Rangers lead the Way! " in the middle of battle. The united forces of these ranging allies were victorious, and when the battle ended, they gathered. Alekz Eldosar proposed a secret bond between those roaming the borders of Middle Earth. From that day on, this unlikely alliance of Men, Elves, Dwarves, and later, also Hobbits was know as "The Rangers". Want to add your arms to ours? Message Vingilotz in game for an invitation to attend one of the kinmeets in our Kinhall. We are members of The New Alliance. Feel free to check out our library at: website!
- Rangers of Caras Galadhon - Lórien laurë, A laiqa alcar, O Ehtele lisse, Nimrodel A, Nyére auta. A Lórien laurë, A Lórien laurë. Lórien laurë, A laiqa alcar, Orë áro...Lothlórien! This is the song of Lothlórien. It is our song, for we hail from the Golden Wood. Guarding over it, silently and stealthily, as we have since it's foundations. Where The Lord and Lady will us to go, we go. Wherever they wish us to be, there we will be. We serve them with all our hearts and would gladly give our lives for Lothlórien. ((Rank 7 (as of 09 May 2009), medium-heavy RP kinship. Elf Only, with regular events and a large Allaince.))
- The Red Company - The Red Company is a low-RP rank 10 kin on the Laurelin server, who also do instances, crafting, questing and more. We're an extremely friendly community, and are always willing to help or answer questions. In-character, our focus is on protecting Bree and the surrounding lands. Otherwise, we're a group of friends who want to enjoy LOTRO and each other's company. We have four weekly events in the evenings: For RP, instances, deeding and level-cap content. We also have a kinship band and organise events on special occasions.
- Reniolwaith - Reniolwaith (The Wandering Company) is a heavy role-playing kin. Although Reniolwaith is an elven kin, it does include a small number of elf-friends who have proven themselves committed to continuing its work. The elves of Reniolwaith believe that in order to preserve the wisdom of the Eldar, they must share it with the races that will care for Middle Earth after they depart for the west. They travel throughout Eriador, assisting lone travelers and small companies, wherever the need is greatest.
- Riders of Middle Earth - Riders of Middle Earth is a fairly new kinship on this server. They have weekly events (IC and OOC) and as they are growing they are doing more and more stuff (planned) together. They are a medium RP kinship and like to expand more on the story-line of the kinship. They were formed to bring back the hope and justice into the lands and safe people who are in dire need.
- The Riders of the Riddermark - The Riders of the Riddermark are one of the oldest kinships in Eriador. The Riders of the Riddermark are bound by the love for Rohan, it's people and it's culture. They were sent into the Westmark by Grima Wormtongue as part of a new offensive against the dark lord. For the time being they are stationed close to the Eastern border of Eriador. The kinship is a light roleplaying kinship.
- The Rohirrim - From the Mark comes the Riders of Rohan, 'The Rohirrim'. Looking for a trace of the origin of the orcs of the White hand raging along river Isen on the western borders of Westfold a handful of Rohirrim under the command of Thérowan, Son of of Erkenbrand, has been sent into Dunland. The rumours in villages along Bruinen has led them all the way to northern Eriador. The Rohirrim is a fullblood roleplaying kinship intrested in developing a rohirric society. The Rohirrim is one of the founding members of LRPA (Laurelin Roleplayers Alliance) and has since opened up to other players that look for a public/official kinship for people from Rohan.
- Sanctuary - A kinship dedicated to promoting a casual, friendly atmosphere where people can find new friends or enjoy the world of Middle-Earth with old ones. We encourage and are hoping to have a wide variety of races, classes, and professions to aid each other in our online adeventures. We have members interested in role-playing and that do share written stories with each other as well as play their stories out in-game.
- The Shadows - This light-RP kinship is part of a multigaming community. We are a mature, but friendly bunch of casual RPers and raiders. We don't focus on a single aspect of the game (like raidng, or PvMP, or RP), we do as we please and are open to any class, any race of any experience level. We also have a band called The Shades, with which we play the own-composed songs of Achazia.
- The Shape Of The Sword - An intentionally small kin; together we look to bring a happy and sometimes comedic breath of fresh air to the lands of Eriador & Rhovanion. Regular weekly events and general support is offered to bright, sociable, articulate & personable Members and we welcome all races & classes of all levels to join forces against the dark. RP protocols are respected & observed In-Character; although free-and-easy banter is always welcome via kin-chat.
- The Shards of Narsil - Small, mixed-race Kinship, led by descendants of the knights who fought at the War of the Last Alliance. English speaking, mature, casual RP'ers of all races are welcome.
- The Silent Minority - The Silent Minority is a kinship for more mature players who have a laid-back attitude towards gaming and recognise that real life sometimes gets in the way! It is important for members to respect the RP ruleset but kin-chat is OOC. That being said, there is a good range of active players through most levels and a friendly and helpful environment is promoted though not enforced (we retain the Right to Grump!)
- Sociis Stellarum - We are the companions of the stars, we seek our destiny and help others find theirs. It is an enormous task to find what one was meant to do, as not all secrets easily reveal itself. The stars shall guide us trough this journey as we find out, why we were summoned to Middle-Earth and what role we play, in the ever growing darkness.
- Stout n Sturdy - The Stout n Sturdy tavern is open for business, we are a role-playing Kinship on the Laurelin server, we have been in beta and now move to retail. If you enjoy a fun, friendly atmosphere based around a Tavern and like to follow an on going story then come visit us! a warning to you that we may well be drunk! <smiles>
- The Supreme Council Of Rohan - Mixed kinship led by Champion Mistradir Equus of Rohan. The finest horsemen of Middle Earth are here! It was created on June the 1st 2007 and our ambition is to unite all the free people of Middle Earth under our flag. It doesn't matter whether you are man, elf, dwarf, or hobbit. The only prerequisitive to be a member of the Council is to admire Rohan and its magnificent way of life, so if you love horses and hate Orcs you may join us!
- TLords - TLords has been founded on the first day of the year 2001. Originally a X-Wing Alliance clan the Templar Lords fought in the Rebel Alliance. In LOTRO we had to filter our heritage since there are no Templars in Tolkiens Lorebook. To honour our heritage we are just TLords. A mixed kinship with friendly and mature players. We are an international group and we do have players from Canada and the USA (because of our heritage as international gaming-clan). Questing, exploring, helping other players, crafting, working on (virtue) traits, we do it all, occasional role-play included. Feel free to visit us or check our website. We do have a Code of Conduct, we do not trial recruits, we do not charge silver, we just expect you to be a friendly, helpful and social player.
(The unmerciful army of middle earth) we are large kin with very friendly and helpful members we are a mature kin we used to be a Withywindle kin until the world was shut down this is our new home we do it all raids skirms monster play meetings partys key giveaways marches and much more we recruit all lvls and are always looking to grow our army all that we ask from members is dont beg dont be rude to other members or players and dont steal from the kin were always looking for people to fill roles u can work your way up in the kin ranks i hope to see u guys in middle earth
- Unicorns Anonymous - Unicorns Anonymous is a kinship which hopes to be and feel like 'family' and we started in February 2018 on Laurelin server. We like the social aspect of the game, and we are looking social players to our kinship. We also like to play together so leveling together is what we like to do. We want people that will be friendly, and want to help each others through the game. We try to keep this kinship mature, but humour is one of our key features. Our timezone hits around UTC+03:00 and we play weekdays and weekends. If you are social, with a positive attitude, and an eagerness to have fun, we would love to hear from you. We have spots open for everyone who look relaxing gaming and social kinship chat! If you are interested and want to ask more, you can contact Gwailorniel in-game.
- Vanimar (RP kinship) - Vanimar, founded in 2007, is an elf-only, lore-heavy kinship, who try to stay as faithful as possible to the works of Tolkien. Most of our members are very familiar with professor Tolkien's work, especially The Silmarillion, which describes the history of the elven people and inspires our kinship. We have regular role-playing events and storylines within the kin, all of which are based around an intimate knowledge of Tolkien's lore. However, we do not enforce our members to roleplay their characters all or even most of the time – instancing and questing, for example remains out of character. In fact, we prefer to keep our kinship chat completely roleplay-free, as we see it as the best way to socialize with one another and get to know each other a bit better. If you love Tolkien, love roleplay and love being able to play an instance without having to be in character, you definitely could feel at home with us.
- The Wanderers Free peoples, unite! We, the Wanderers are a casual, light role-playing kinship open to everyone of all races, classes and levels. We are a newly formed kin with the occasional Rp event and a few informal IC instance events open to everyone, of our kin or not. If you are interested in joining contact one of our officers in game.
- Warriors of the Fourth Age - The Warriors of the Fourth Age is an international kinship. A light RP friendly and helpful kin. To learn more of how this kin was founded check there kinbio. It goes back to the second era. Why the fourth age? This is because of a vision of four mighty warriors, the bio clears this question! We have kinmeetings, organize rift raids, do often cd and uru runs for trainer items. The warriors are proud of their kinhouse. If you want to join leave a message on the forum or ingame msg the kinleader Everwind or one of the officers, Rozalot, Warryn, Sydran, Lasteron, Helenis, Siansiobhan, Gemmell. ( there are more officers so forgive me if I didnt write all the names down;-) All are welcome as long as you're friendly and helpful. We have a code of honour which every warrior needs to follow, this can be found on our website as well.
- The Warriors of the Free People - The Warriors of the Free People is a small kinship for both Experts and beginners to the game who are looking for a friendly kinship to have some fun. A kinship house is situated in the Fathalorn homestead of Sigildor and is always in need of new decoration! RP'ing is thoroughly welcomed but optional. The leader is Bramaron and the officer and main recruiter is Cerandel. We would love to expand the kinship and the friendly community with your help.
- The Western Alliance - The Western Alliance is a “light-role playing” kinship on the Laurelin server, which means RP is welcomed and respected, but individual members can be as involved as they wish. Some members are quest and raid-oriented, some are largely into RP, and many like to do both. All races and levels of experience are welcome. We value friendship and cooperation, and have a widely-distributed member base from the UK, The Netherlands, Norway, Finland, USA, Greece, Russia and Sweden. We are a medium-to-large kinship aiming at a maximum of around 50 members so as to maintain a true sense of kinship, while having enough members to undertake raids largely or entirely from within the kin. We currently have a core group of level 50 players who raid regularly, but who are also available to help lower-level players with other quests and fellowships. Finally, we maintain close relationships with other like-minded Kinships. The Western Alliance is a democracy governed by the Inner Council of Eldars. Elections are held every 3 months for Kinship Leader, Deputy and seven Class Leaders. Our kinship hall is open to the public most of the time, and you can usually find somebody milling around there; our address is 1 High Road, Lightgard, Breeland.
- The White Council - We are a mixed-race, rank 7 medium rp social kinship, with a fast growing population and a wide range of levels. The White Council was originally formed from wizards and elves to protect Lothlorien from the necromancer, later know as Sauron. Now it has become a group which any of the free peoples of middle earth may join, to protect and defend the East against the might of Sauron. Our many players are all very active, and helpful, and as our social status may suggest, all are very chatty and friendly, and many and most have made close friends in the kinship whom they can travel around middle earth with. Our higher level members are always willing to help out those in need, and we hold many events, some purely social, others rp, and some meetings where any member of the kinship may have his/her say in the runnings of the kinship. The leadership team are all very active, one of the reasons for their choice, and regularly come up with novel ideas for fun events, such as talent shows, fireworks display, plays and lotteries. If you are looking for companionship and company, and are willing to return it, then please contact either Relgrim or Haldlas for more info.
- The Woodland Realm Watch (ELF & HIGH ELF ONLY) - Friends of the forest, wardens of the woodlands, and guardians of the glade, the Watch (otherwise known as I-Tiria to Elf-Kind) are a kinship devoted solely to the Silvan Elves of Mirkwood and Lothlórien. A light RP kin, we cater to all aspects of the game including regular RP events, crafting, grouping and raiding, as well as being a social kin. We currently have our own forum and a Discord channel and are comprised of a casual player base. We are currently looking for members over the age of 20 to join our ranks. IF you're looking for a small and fun kinship without the drama that are devoted to roleplaying as Wood Elves then look no further.
- The Woodsong Legion - We are one of the elven houses of Laurelin. Although new to this world we already gather over 60 Eldar souls in our ranks and we are very organised. We organise events (both RP and non-RP); nonRP including: epic book runs/deed runs/raids/fellowships,etc... We are very helpful and mature, and always open for newcomers to the game aswel as regular players. Also an important aspect of our policy is that we let our members decide their lvl of RP. For heavier RPers events and an RP group is organised. For the light/medium or none RPers no pressure exists. For additional info/invite contact us on our forum/website or in-game!
Foreign Language Kinships
- Anorian Guard - The Anorian Guard is a Greek Kinship, dedicated to defend those in need against the hordes of Darkness, guided by the purest and holiest form of Light that still caresses Middle-Earth, the Secret Fire of Anor (The Sun).
- Blue Shields of Death - French/English speaking Kinship led by Male Hobbit Minstrel Asclepios. We are a light Roleplaying/open to all races kinship with casual to serious players who want to enjoy the game content. Although we don't enforce Roleplay, no one will stop you if you want to Roleplay heavy. Currently focused on the PvE aspect of the game, we may shift focus as our group advances. We are actively recruiting, please visit our forum.
- Bockereyders - Bockereyders is a Dutch kinship, founded in December of 2013, and is primarily active on the Laurelin server. We offer a homebase for everyone who sees playing MMORPGs as relaxation. We find it more important that our members are comfortable whilst playing, rather than for example having the best gear or extraordinary PvP skills. This doesn't mean we're not active in PvE or PvP, but it means we will not be doing high-end raiding instances regularly. Besides offering a pleasant environment we also offer unique Kinship Quests, made by our officers, that offer a different kind of enjoyment to be gained from being in the kin.
- Carpe Diem - Carpe Diem is a Finnish Kinship. Tervetuloa supisuomalaiseen Carpe Diem kiniin. Olemma joviaali ja lupsakka kini. Tästäpä syystä kiltatalossakin on pyöreät ovet.
- Cavalieri delle ere - [Knights of the ages] This italian guild born on September 2011 to group all the new players coming to LotRO with the new F2P model. We are a big and helpful kinship where you can find many friend to play with, from the first instance to the end-game raids.
- The Civilian Army Of The Low Lands - We are one of the oldest Dutch kinships on the Laurelin server. We started when Lotro started. We are also one of the smallest kins. Best known leaders of the kinship are real life brothers Sargoman/Maerowen and Leviathardan/Ismonel and they are running their kin with dedication, devotion and enthusiasm. Most of the members are real life family like Frearith and Galdoradan, or real life friends. Therefore we're basically not recruiting. Our kinship house is located in Mermere in Bree, where also most of our members are living happily. Elen síla lúmenn omentielvo
- La Compagnia del Sussurro - (Italian Light RP kinship) "The Fellowship of the Whisper" A new former Kinship (Gen-2011), a group of Roleplayer and LOTR fan. Mixed race, we created our Kinship to to make possible RP during the evening when are impossible to play for real. Our objective is to have fun during session and if possible to RP at the best, we hare a friendly little community, and every member is ready to help the others. Usually active during evening (CET time) we are ready to fight the darkness! If you need help during session, and a member of our Kinship is online, you have only to ask, if possible we'll come.
- Custodi della Fiamma di Anor - [Keepers of the Flame of Anor] This guild was born many month ago from the first time of beta phase (althought the guild had not this name yet). We are the official guild of MMORGITALIA, the biggest italian site about MMORPG, with a big LOTRO section. Our goal is to create a pleasing community for all our LOTRO fans. Our kinship is based on Three Basic Principles: Friendship, Respect, Loyalty.
- Dale Shadows Friendly kinship, consisting of mostly Czech and Slovak players. We are opened to all races, classes, ideas and activities, so new friendly (and mature) members are always warmly welcomed. Přátelský kinship skládající se převážně z česko-slovenských hráčů. Jsme otevřeni všem rasám, třídám, nápadům i aktivitám, takže vždy vřele uvítáme nové (a dospělé) členy.
- Ellada - We are a Greek Kinship, opened to all races. Our main goal is to have fun and enjoy our travels in Middle Earth. No level restrictions, we support each other and all we need is people who wanna have fun and nothin more. The only problem is our language, as we re all Greeks...
- Free Folks - After official russian server closure immigrants to the Laurelin server founded the Free Folks kinship. It's a big, active and very responsive clan. If you want to join, you will find a friendly atmosphere, mutual help and advice on the game, as well as participation in joint campaigns (Discord or RC are mandatory)! Competitions and activities of the kinship with gifts are held regulary. После официального закрытия русскоязычного сервера иммигранты на сервер Laurelin основали содружество Свободные Народы. Это большой, активный и очень отзывчивый клан. Если вы хотите присоединиться, то найдете дружескую атмосферу, взаимную помощь и советы по игре, а также участие в совместных кампаниях (Discord или RС являются обязательными)! Cоревнования и мероприятия содружества с подарками проводятся регулярно.
- Garaz Runkaraki - GR is a polish, light-RP kinship with mixed races, classes, levels and professions amongst our members. We are open for all mature, friendly, helpful players and the only requirement is polish language. Our primary focus is to have fun playing LotRO, help others to get familiar with game world and provide support to our players throughout entire leveling process. We occasionally organize or participate in end game raiding, however this is not the core of our business. If you wish to join our merry family seek out our officers in game or talk to our leaders: Ellora, Grouth, Sylthria, Tallandilas or Zyzol.
- Hèren Rànodur' - Ordine della Luna Oscura - Our Kinship is the first officially registered Italian kinship. We strictly follow Tolkien's Lore and we aim to forge a Group of Friends sharing the same interests. We offer our help to everyone being in want; we just ask Honesty in change.
- Het Legioen Van Eriador - Wij zijn een Nederlandstalige kinship waarbij je je snel thuis zal voelen. We zijn erg gezellige spelers en we hebben altijd plezier. We helpen veel met questen, craften etc voor de low en high levels. We doen aan raiden en we hebben teamspeak. We zijn geen overdreven rp of raid kinship maar meer een beetje van alles. Voor iedereen is er wel wat te beleven. We houden soms zelfs real life events ergens in Nederland of België. De keuze is aan jou om daar naartoe te gaan maar plezier verzekerd. ;) We zoeken altijd naar meer leuke spelers. Level, race, class, leeftijd maakt niet uit. --Ons forum--
- Iltaruskon Vartijat] (IV) (eng. Guardians of the Sunset-light) is mixed kinship for finnish speaking players. Original IV was founded 30.12.2010, and still we are up and running. We are mostly casual players, but we have also players who are talented at RP, PvP and PvE raiding. Our main goal is to have fun together in a friendly environment and make some new friends. We value friendly, helpfull behavior in the spirit of Tolkien. "Synkkä aamu, onnen päivä, kultainen iltarusko!" ("A grim morn, and a glad day, and a golden sunset!")
- Knights of the Third Breakfast - KotTB is a danish kinship based on light RP and having fun. The kinship is based out of the Shire though we happily travel all middle-earth in the pursuit of better food. We strive to be a helpful guild that does its best to aid those in need. The core of the kinship is a group of RL friends.
- Lowland Dunedian - We're a new Dutch kinship with events and other fun stuff. We have light RP, but if you want to RP heavy, no one will stop you. If you want to join, you can contact Balian or Aerrian ingame. You get an invite as soon as possible (you have to be Dutch of course).
- Mellows - A Greek kinship with many active players ready to help with anything you need. Lead by Zilion, the kinship has achieved to do many succesful raids and fellowships to well-known dark places. If you want to become a part of this glorious kinship, you are most welcome to join.
- Metal Heart - Since there were no active Finnish guilds (that I knew of) a new one was founded. It is OOC in kinship chat, but RP to outsiders. Any Finn is welcome, feel free to contact any member!
- Rajatapaukset - A Finnish mixed kinship with a decade of MMORPG and roleplay background. We keep our kinship affairs OOC, IC to outsiders. Friendly and supporting attitude for our members. New mature finnish-speaking members are welcome - Either you'll find us or we'll find you if you're a potential new member!
- I Raminghi - Italian kinship with light role playing style. Helpful, friendly, they have home in Thorin's hall Homestead and two little training kinship for recruits... Accademia Raminghi and Difensori della Terra di Mezzo. They value collaboration, loyalty and mutual help over everything else, and they like to collaborate with other friendly kinship for end-game instances.
- Turquoise - (Turkish Raiding Kinship) - One of the oldest kinships of Laurelin, biggest Turkish kinship of all LOTRO. Mature,experienced and helpful members assembled from all over the world to create this unique friendship. Mainly focusus on raiding,PvE,crafting and such..also every funny part of Middle-Earth. We prefer to know every member of ours yet our number is enough large to run 12-men instances.
- Spanish Supremacy Squad - WE'RE BACK IN 2025!!! Old friendly SPANISH Kinship with a decade of existence is returning from its ashes after some years of inactivity in this game. We're very few people now, but anyone, Spanish speaker or not, is welcome if you seek for a friendly and helpful atmosphere for all of us to play and enjoy the wonderful LotRo. Just join our Discord and ask for Galvinor or Leviathan:
Monster Play Tribes
- The Ironbite Legion- A very helpful/social/casual tribe of players which have a laid-back attidute towards gaming. We accept all ranks/classes/newcomers/casuals/regulars/veterans/pros,etc.. We realise PvMP can become boring and we dont pressure our members on playing when they dont want to. Though this doesnt mean we arent friendly and open for grouping. We now have over 150 very active members (on some estimates 100 accounts). Also we are the founding members of the Ironblood alliance (atm members are us,The Blood Hunters,Ancient Evil, Fury of Krahjarn, and Carne Horde). If you wish to keep a nice and friendly enviroment, but dont want the aggro of constant raiding feel free to contact Narsilbashh/Photok/Frackdullen/Phipdullen/or any other of our officers! See you in the moors! (possible applicants for a position in the Ironblood alliance also should contact Narsilbash in-game!)
- Karn Aanug- We class ourselves as 'the elites' of Laurelin monsterplay. We are a light roleplay tribe with lots of active members. We encourage mature behaviour from our members and enjoy a good fight, win or lose. We welcome mature and experienced Monsters from across the globe. Most members are from Italy, Russia or Britain. We often hold Tribe events and group up at least daily. Lead by some of the greatest monsterplayers of Laurelin - Harmonizer, Ymgarl and Brunt being just some of them.
Disbanded or Inactive Kinships or Tribes of Laurelin
The following kinships or tribes are believed to be inactive or have disbanded. They are being listed here for historical reference.
- Bane of Darkness - International kinship, led by Arevaen and his officers. We are a mixed PvE kinship. It is a merged kinship between The Dawn of Hope and the Order of Light. We have a Ventrilo server and a website, HTTP://
- Baruk Khazad - Baruk Khazad is an English speaking, all-dwarf medium RP kinship, founded when the world was still young (been around since Beta) by Father Dwelorin, now lead by Lord Feldsparr. We are a brotherhood of dwarves, where all are equal, nothing seperating our lords and seneschals from our members besides the title. We share an alliance with other dwarven kins of Laurelin, for RP and instances (dwarf-only groups are the best, who needs crowd-control?), but we are also members of the Grand Alliance, and Eldariant, for those times when the company of non-dwarves are needed. Join us, as we take the battle to our enemies, reclaim our halls of old, and bring glory to the dwarves. Baruk Khazâd!
- Blue Shields of Death - French/English speaking Kinship led by Male Hobbit Minstrel Asclepios. We are a light Roleplaying/open to all races kinship with casual to serious players who want to enjoy the game content. Although we don't enforce Roleplay, no one will stop you if you want to Roleplay heavy. Currently focused on the PvE aspect of the game, we may shift focus as our group advances. We are actively recruiting, please visit our forum.
- Bree Pipeweed Society - English Speaking Light RP Kinship led by Female Champion Selariel and Deputy Leader Guardian Jean. We are open to all races and are a friendly, approachable community. We are not actively recruiting, but any are welcome to join if they so wish. We routinely help our members with quests and instances in the ongoing war against The Shadow in The North. If you want to be part of the community register on our homepage (hyperlinked). We are part of multi-gaming Clan 2k, and already have a respected community on the Teesside counter-strike source servers. If you wish to join us in Lord Of The Rings Online, or even our other Clan games, drop us a message on our forums. Be strong! :)
- Council of the Wise - Council of the Wise, open to all races, it's the only way to take on the shadow. We're a mature, light-RP Kinship. We toyed about in beta, now we're here to council the fellowship. We ask you are mature, or at least act mature...
- The Crimson Highwaymen The Highwaymen are a heavy RP kinship, which tries to present the daily life of a highwaymen under the lead of Helter Oakshield.
- Echad Lothir - A small RP kinship for the fictional Silvan village of Echad Lothir in S. Mirkwood. It was once the gorgeous city of Ost Lothir, situated by a gentle clearwater stream in which the elves nurtured water lilies of legendary beauty. Now it is more outpost than settlement, with only a few families of strong and stubborn wood elves remaining. These are the tawarwaith that refuse to submit to the Shadow of the East and cling obstinately to their ancient home. Contact Saelenril in-game for more info.
- Eldar i Silelen - We are an elf-only, lore-based roleplaying kinship. The full story behind the kinship will develop through our RP events and the RP stories of our members however the starting point is this. Eldar i Silelen (meaning Elves of the Shining Star) are a detatchment of the house of Elodu, who are currently based in Lindon, the detatchment is an envoy sent to Imladris to aid Elrond in the war with Angmar. Elrond has sent the envoy to aid with the dispute with the dwarves in Ered Luin... I will update the storyline as we live out the further events in our history. The hierarchy of the kinship is based on a family line, similar to the lines of the Noldor and houses of the Sindar in Beleriand, in the Silmarillion. Thus the leader of the kinship is the eldest with his children next in line from eldest to youngest, or his brother if there is no heir among his children (in-game, all those who are within the next level of the family tree from the leader will be officers, usually the children of the leader). Contact me in-game, post here or PM me on the official forum (Eledain Elodu) if you are interested in joining. There is no level requirement, only that you are an elf and are a roleplayer.