Item:Leggings of the Deathstorm (Level 65)

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Leggings of the Deathstorm

Barter Information

Barterer: Crisgyl (Champion Trainer at Ost Galadh in Mirkwood)

Item(s) to Receive Item(s) to Trade
 Leggings of the Deathstorm  Dark Emblem of Resolve

Barterer: Classic Vendor (Skirmish Camp)

In the Filter by Profile drop-down list, choose Barad Guldur - Level 65 Heavy to locate this item faster.

Note: Only barterable from this vendor on servers with level cap 70 or higher.

Item(s) to Receive Item(s) to Trade
 Leggings of the Deathstorm  204 Marks  89 Medallions