Daiko, Right Hand of Forgetting

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This page is about the first boss at Tûl Zakana, the Well of Forgetting. For the NPC at Tûl Zakana, see Daiko
Daiko, Right Hand of Forgetting
Level: 150
Instance: Tûl Zakana, the Well of Forgetting

Type: Nemesis
Genus: Man
Species: Haradrim

Morale: Variable
Power: Variable
Advanced Stats
Alignment: ( Evil )
Combat Effectiveness:
Finesse: Unknown
F.M. Immune: Unknown
Stun/Mez Imm.: Unknown
Root Immune: Unknown
Cry: Unknown
Song: Unknown
Tactical: Unknown
Physical: Unknown
Common: Unknown AncientDwarf: Unknown
Fire: Unknown Beleriand: Unknown
Light: Unknown Westernesse: Unknown
Shadow: Unknown Frost: Unknown
Lightning: Unknown

Level of Lore-master reporting: ( )  


Daiko, Right Hand of Forgetting is one of the first bosses in the 6-Man Instance Tûl Zakana, the Well of Forgetting in Imhûlar.


Permanent Effects:

 Enhancement -- Solo/Duo in Solo/Duo.
 Enhancement -- Tier 1 in Tier 1.
 Enhancement -- Tier 2 in Tier 2.
 Enhancement -- Tier 3 in Tier 3.
 Permanent State Immunity
 Protection from Slows
 Uncommon Fortitude
 Blessed Brother -- Alternates with  Brother's Keeper
Replaced with  Broken Blessing if Bauko, Left Hand of Forgetting is killed


 Parched Earth -- Permanent Puddle underneath, tiers up  Daiko's Curse

Major Abilities:

Find Enemy -- AoE Hit; If no one is affected by  Parched Earth, gains  Daiko's Ire
If  Daiko's Ire is applied, gains ability Sludge Pot (Randomly Targeted Hit)
Hit becomes AoE on Tier 2+
Hit drops a  Cursed Waters Puddle on Tier 3 (9s duration)

Begins at 20% Morale:

The Water's Kiss -- Applies  The Water's Kiss to Bauko, Left Hand of Forgetting

Abilities only used while  Brother's Keeper is active

Tier 2+:

Consuming Shadow -- Deals damage after 3 seconds

Special Abilities:

Spear of Deadly Shadow -- Randomly Targeted Frontal Hit

Removable Effects:

 The Spear's Kiss
Becomes Non-Removable on Tier 3

Abilities only used while  Blessed Brother is active

Major Abilities:

Brother's Bellow -- AoE Hit and cashes out all stacks of  Daiko's Curse and  Bauko's Curse to deal additional damage
Afterwards, gains  Brother's Keeper, and Bauko, Left Hand of Forgetting gains  Blessed Brother
Skill happens quicker on higher tiers

Abilities only used while  Broken Blessing is active

Major Abilities:

Mournful Bellow -- AoE Hit and cashes out all stacks of  Daiko's Curse to deal additional damage
Skill happens quicker on higher tiers

Quest Involvement