Cleansing Flame Skills

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These skills are acquired by spending trait points in the Cleansing Flame (red) trait tree. You can only obtain the set skills if you specialize in this tree.

Active Skills Category Attunes CD Source
 Smouldering Wrath DoT Varies* 17s Set: Initial skill
 Writ of Fire Damage + DoT 2 1s Set: Initial skill
 Essence of Flame Damage 3 12s Trait:  Essence of Flame
 Volcanic Rune-stone DoT 3 30s Trait:  Volcanic Rune-stone
 Essay of Fire Damage + DoT 3 10s Set:  Essay of Fire
 Scathing Mockery Damage AoE + DoT 3 20s Trait:  Scathing Mockery
 Combustion Damage AoE All 15s Trait:  Combustion