Barad Elenath (Instance)

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Barad Elenath, the Star-gazers' Spire
Level: 126
Size: Solo
Cluster: Morgul Vale
Region: Morgul Vale
Area: Minas Morgul
Location: [65.5S, 0.7E]
Barad Elenath, before capture by the rangers
Barad Elenath, before capture by the rangers

Barad Angarth is a landmark within Minas Morgul, in the Morgul Vale. [65.5S, 0.7E]

Barad Angarth, the Gate-wardens' Keep, is held by the merrevail . The white company are about to assault it to gain a foothold in the ancient fortress. This quest instance version of Barad Elenath, the Star-gazers' Spire is used for the assault.

