Bahádring the Unmindful

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Bahádring the Unmindful
Level: 150
Instance: Tûl Zakana, the Well of Forgetting

Type: Rare Signature
Genus: Man
Species: Haradrim

Morale: Variable
Power: Variable
Advanced Stats
Alignment: ( Evil )
Combat Effectiveness:
Finesse: Unknown
F.M. Immune: Unknown
Stun/Mez Imm.: Unknown
Root Immune: Unknown
Cry: Unknown
Song: Unknown
Tactical: Unknown
Physical: Unknown
Common: Unknown AncientDwarf: Unknown
Fire: Unknown Beleriand: Unknown
Light: Unknown Westernesse: Unknown
Shadow: Unknown Frost: Unknown
Lightning: Unknown

Level of Lore-master reporting: ( )  


Bahádring the Unmindful is the third and final boss of the 6-Man Instance Tûl Zakana, the Well of Forgetting in Imhûlar.


Permanent Effects:

 Enhancement -- Solo/Duo in Solo/Duo.
 Enhancement -- Tier 1 in Tier 1.
 Enhancement -- Tier 2 in Tier 2.
 Enhancement -- Tier 3 in Tier 3.
 Permanent State Immunity
 Protection from Slows
 Uncommon Fortitude

Temporary Effects:

 Memory of Contempt (tiers up over time)
Removed by entering the Well of Forgetting

Summoned Enemies:

Gorthorog Crushers
Gorthorog Berserkers

Non-Removable Effects:

 Burden of Fear
 Burden of Doubt
 Burden of Jealousy
 Burden of Loss
Burdens tier up on to 5 stacks on Tiers 1 and 2, and up to 10 stacks on Tier 3
Additionally applies Burdens to others than the Tank on Tier 3
Burdens removed by entering the Well of Forgetting
 Memory of Shame
Upon expiration, drops a [TBA] Puddle (2m Duration)
3m Duration on Tier 2+
 Absence of Self (Randomly Targeted)

Tier 2+:

 Conflagration of Misery
 Memory of Fear (Randomly Targeted)
Upon expiration, applies  Terrorize


 Memory of Rage


Curse of Regret -- AoE Hit

Quest Involvement