Assailment (Warden Specialization)

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Assailment (Yellow line) is a Warden Trait Tree. The other two trait trees of this class are Determination and Recklessness.

Wields Javelin and clever tactics to harm and hinder foes.
Though the Warden can not specialize in Assailment, the ability to harry enemies when needed can be invaluable. Assailment techniques are focused on increasing javelin damage, debuffing enemies, and augmenting your core gambits, useful when fighting either alone or in a fellowship.


These skills are acquired by spending points in the Assailment (yellow) trait tree. Wardens cannot specialize in the yellow trait tree.

Active Skills Category CD Source
 Javelin of Deadly Force AoE Damage + Buff + Debuff 1m Trait:  Javelin of Deadly Force
 Fire at Will Fellowship Buff 1m Trait:  Fire at Will
 Rapid Techniques Buff 1m 30s Trait:  Rapid Technique


Note: Some traits in this tree have an increased cost in Trait Points in order to acquire and/or rank up, regardless of specialization.

Trait Description Source Cost per Rank
 Ranged Damage Buff Trait: 0+ ranks 1 Point
 Bane of Shadow Buff Trait: 0+ ranks 1 point
 Movement Training Buff Trait: 0+ ranks 1 Point
 Marked Targets Buff Trait: 0+ ranks 2 Points (1)
1 Point (2-5)
 Endurance Training Improves skill Assailment - Stance Trait: 5+ ranks 1 Point
 Bulls-eye Buff Trait: 5+ ranks 1 Point
 Finesse Buff Trait: 5+ ranks 1 Point
 Diminished Targets Buff Trait: 5+ ranks 2 Points (1)
1 Point (2-5)
 Throwing Arm Buff Trait: 10+ ranks 1 Point
 Battering Strikes Buff Trait: 10+ ranks 2 Points (1)
1 Point (2-5)
 Strong Foundations Buff Trait: 10+ ranks 2 Points
 Enduring Assailment Buff Trait: 10+ ranks 1 Point
 Piercing Javelins Buff Trait: 15+ ranks 1 Point
 Suppression Buff Trait: 15+ ranks 2 Points (1)
1 Point (2-5)
 Javelin of Deadly Force Gain skill Javelin of Deadly Force Trait: 20+ ranks 3 Points
 Adroit Ambush Improves skill Adroit Manoeuvre Trait: 20+ ranks 2 Points
 Snap Shot Buff Trait: 25+ ranks, Javelin of Deadly Force (1) 2 Points
 Fire at Will Gain skill Fire at Will Trait: 25+ ranks 2 Points
 Rapid Technique Gain skill Rapid Techniques Trait: 30+ ranks 3 Points

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