Anborn is a Ranger of Ithilien, found throughout both northern and southern Ithilien, as well as in the Morgul Vale.
Anborn (South Ithilien)
- Anborn is in command at Bâr Húrin in South Ithilien
Quest Involvement
Anborn (North Ithilien)
- Anborn also appears as Warden of Henneth Annûn [48.1S, 8.0W]
Quest Involvement
Anborn (The Wastes)
- Anborn, like many of the other Rangers of Ithilien follows Aragorn's march to the Black Gate and is found at Haerondir.
Quest Involvement
Anborn (Rath Dúath)
- Anborn has followed Faramir's company into Imlad Morgul and can be found at the camp of Estolad Lân.
Quest Involvement