Henneth Annûn Quests

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Revision as of 21:04, 19 December 2017 by Matthew.zellmer (talk | contribs) (adding herb quests)
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Henneth Annûn

  1. [105] From Battle to War - (Anborn)
  2. [105] Scars of the Pelennor - (Anborn)
  3. [105] Strange Company - (Mablung)
  4. [105] The Last Refuge - (Mablung)
  5. [105] Natural Defence - (Rhadrog)
  6. [105] No Safe Passage - (Rhadrog)
  7. [105] Mastering the Wilds - (Mablung)
  8. [105] Shadows of Ithilien - (Mablung)
  9. [105] A Fearful Foe - (Rhadrog)
  10. [105] Forbidden Waters - (Laeglaw)
  11. [105] Breaking the Trap - (Anborn)
  12. [105] Invaders from Rhûn - (Tordoron)
  13. [105] Caches Underfoot - (Tordoron)
  14. [105] Before the Battle Plain - (Anborn) - Vector to Camp of the Host
  15. [...] Quest:Year 1 Tales: Frodo - Anniversary

Herbalism Quests

  1. [105] Wrapper Assisting the Herbalists: North Ithilien - Automatic Quest Bestowal (Repeatable - daily)

Mílgamel Quests

  1. [105] The Dark Lord's Blight - Mílgamel - Henneth Annûn
  2. [105] Worts, Weeds, and Wastes - Mílgamel - Henneth Annûn - ends at Camp of the Host

West of Henneth Annûn:

  1. [105] Predators from the East - (Ereblen)
  2. [105] The Extracts of Ithilien - (Ereblen)
  3. [105] New Life - (Ereblen)
  4. [105] Trolls in the Garden - (Ereblen)
  5. [105] No Battle Left to Fight - Landscape Quest
  6. [105] Debts Repaid - (Jarl Gurthilm)
  7. [105] Through War-torn Lands - (Jarl Gurthilm)
  8. [105] The Riches of Rhûn - (Jarl Gurthilm)
  9. [105] A Just Reward - (Jarl Gurthilm)