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Trausti (Walls of Moria)

Image of Trausti
Gender Male
Race Dwarf
Region Eregion
Area The Walls of Moria
Interior Filgogân
Map Ref [53.1S, 7.5W]

Trausti is first found inside the cave Filgogân within the Walls of Moria in Eregion.

He is hiding in the northeastern corner of the cave system, not far from the entrance.

Quest Involvement

Volume II, Book 1:


"Lofrík will be avenged! I, Trausti, have sworn it!"
"These half-orcs will never leave Filgogân alive."

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Trausti (Annâk-khurfu)

Image of Trausti
Gender Male
Race Dwarf
Region Elderslade
Settlement Annâk-khurfu
Interior Keep of Annâk-khurfu
Map Ref [32.8N, 61.2W]

Trausti has come to Elderslade with many other dwarves to join the Gabil'akkâ and retake Gundabad. He can be found on the second level of the Keep of Annâk-khurfu before the war begins, and later out in the trenches once the War of Three Peaks begins. [98.3S, 18.4W]

Quest Involvement

Trausti (Gundabad)

Image of Trausti
Gender Male
Race Dwarf
Region Gundabad
Area Máttugard
Settlement Maergrind, the Noble Gate
Map Ref [49.0S, 111.6W]

Trausti joins the Gabil'akkâ venturing into Máttugard after breaching the Gates of Gundabad and can be found near the camp at Maergrind before taking the apprentice sculptor Eskil Bloodthumb under his wing.

Quest Involvement