Quest:Chapter 9.1: The Jailor Jailed

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Chapter 9.1: The Jailor Jailed
Level 138
Type Solo
Starts with Durin
Starts at Maergrind, the Noble Gate
Start Region Máttugard
Map Ref [49.3S, 112.0W]
Ends with Glúrkub
End Region Máttugard
Map Ref [48.6S, 111.9W]
Quest Group The Legacy of Durin and the Trials of the Dwarves: Chapter 9
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Our captive is a goblin of Gundabad. The guards caught him creeping in the shadows near the Steepset, no doubt on an errand of evil for Gorgar. He would have been slain out of hand if he had not been recognized, but that recognition will only stay the executioner's axe for a short while.

'They have him in a cage north of Maergrind, down one level. Speak to those who watch him, and perhaps he will tell us something of use. We have no need for goblins, but our need is even less if they can tell us nothing.'


The Dwarves of the Gabil'akkâ have caught a goblin sneaking around Máttugard, and now he is their prisoner.

Objective 1

  • Talk to the dwarves who watch the goblin-prisoner (0/2)

Eskil and Trausti are keeping watch over the captive goblin north of Maergrind and down one level, in Máttugard.

Trausti: 'Eskil prevailed upon the guards to spare this goblin's life, for now, but I am less forgiving. One of his friends made off with my favourite axe, the one bearing Lofrík's golden tooth, and the loss of that precious memento has me inclined to take this goblin's head in payment!'
Eskil Bloodthumb: 'I know this goblin, <name>. Do you remember when Stáli the Hewer sent me into Deepscrave in search of the Zabad'ibîn, and I was captured by the Orcs? This goblin was my jailor! He it was that kept the hobgoblins from killing me! And then you and Trausti freed me from that place.
'The guards were not happy, but I convinced them he seemed a figure of importance. They have jailed him, for now, but they are not happy about it! In truth I am not sure myself. Is this some trick?'

Objective 2

The goblin Glúrkub has been imprisoned by the Gabil'akkâ.

Glúrkub: 'The axe! The axe! I knew it was important, I did! Something special about it? Glúrkub knows where it is! Maybe let him free if you find it?
'Hobgoblin who took the axe very mean, very nasty, bad sort. But Glúrkub knows where he lives! In Shakhajât, that's the place. Knock on his door southeast of the fortress proper! And when Shoshraf answers, take the axe right from him!
'Then you'll know Glúrkub is a very helpful goblin, and you'll set him free? Ah, we'll talk when you get back, yes we will. Think about it? You'll think about it.'

Objective 3

  • Talk to Trausti north of Maergrind

Trausti is keeping watch over the captive goblin north of Maergrind.

Trausti: 'Do you suspect a trap, as I do? Good <race>! We will see about this hobgoblin, but if the captive has lied to us, we will come back at once and separate his head from his shoulders!
'Shakhajât, he said? Let us go knock on the doors, <name>, and woe to the hobgoblin that answers!'

Objective 4

The goblin Glúrkub has given you information concerning the hobgoblin who took Trausti's axe, but can he be trusted? According to Glúrkub, the hobgoblin can be found living in a dwelling southeast of the fortress of Shakhajât.

Shoshraf emerges from the house, ready to fight!
Shoshraf has barely hit the ground before Trausti wrests the axe from his hand

Objective 5

  • Talk to Trausti in Shakhajât

Trausti stands southeast of the fortress of Shakhajât, pleased to have retrieved his axe.

Trausti: 'By Durin's Beard, he was telling the truth! It feels good to have my axe back in hand, <name>, for once again I feel that Lofrík is with me, though he died outside Moria. What was wrong has been set right, though it took a goblin's help! What would Lofrík say to that, I wonder?
'He would say that a bad deed is not entirely undone by a good one, <name>. Let us bear that in mind when we return to the prisoner.'

Objective 6

  • Talk to Durin north of Maergrind in Máttugard

Durin is keeping an eye on the captive goblin north of Maergrind and down one level, in Máttugard.

Durin: 'Trausti has his axe again? That is good, <name>, but I caution you and any others who speak to the prisoner not to trust everything he says. He may mix truths in with falsehoods in order to mislead us... indeed, I would expect nothing else.
'And yet, if we bear that in mind he may provide the Gabil'akkâ with useful information. Ask him where he came from, and why he was creeping around near the Steepset.'

Objective 7

  • Talk to the goblin Glúrkub north of Maergrind and down one level, in Máttugard

The goblin Glúrkub is encaged north of Maergrind and down one level, in Máttugard.

Glúrkub: 'It was just as I said, wasn't it? Yes, it was, I can tell! Glúrkub will be so very helpful to you, as long as you keep him safe.
'Yes, safe! Safe from both dwarves and Orcs! Do you agree? Think about it? Think about it. And then I will tell you my tale.'