The Night-jewel

The Night-jewel ("Nûluzimir" in Adûnaic) is a ship that was docked in Cobas Haven and used to blockade Dol Amroth for a while. The ship's crew was led by Balakhôr the Scourge, who used his flagship to lead the Corsairs of Umbar against Gondor's shores during the War of the Ring.
Balakhôr invaded Pelargir aboard the ship, before the great battle there routed his forces. The Night-jewel was then boarded by Aragorn and his Army of the Dead, and Balakhôr was killed.
After boarding newly recruited soldiers of Gondor, Aragorn then sailed the ship upriver on the Anduin to the Harlond, unfurling the banner of Arwen on its tallest mast. The ship thus spent a critical role in the defeat of Sauron's forces on the Battle of Pelennor Fields.
By the time of time of King Elessar's tour of the kingdom, the Night-jewel was still docked at the Harlond, the last corsair ship left intact in the harbor.