The Claw

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The Claw (Red line) is a Beorning Trait Tree. The other two trait trees of this class are The Hide and the Roar.

The Claw
Consumes Wrath to Deal Crushing Damage.
Empowering both Bear and Man, this line focuses on overpowering foes with devastating attacks.
Skills Earned:
Bestial Fury:
Whenever you Critically Hit with skills you gain:
+3 Wrath


These skills are acquired by spending trait points in the Claw (red) trait tree. You can only obtain the Set skills if you specialize in this tree.

Active Skills Category Form Cooldown Range Source
 Bash Melee + DoT Bear 12s 5m Set: Initial Skill
 Expose Melee + Debuff Any 5s 4/5m Set: Initial Skill
 Nature's Wrath Melee Bear 8s 5m Trait:  Nature's Wrath
 Trample Melee Bear 12s 5m Trait:  Trample
 Serrated Edge Melee AoE + DoT Bear 8s 5.0m Trait:  Serrated Edge
 Execute Melee Bear 30s 5m Trait:  Execute
 Brutal Maul Melee Channel Bear 30s 5m Set:  Brutal Energy
 Savage Knockdown Melee AoE + Knockdown Bear 30s 5.0m Trait:  Savage Knockdown
 Composure Heal Man 20s Self Trait:  Composure
 Blood Prize Buff Any 1m30s Self Trait:  Blood Prize
 Final Strike Melee AoE Bear 30s 5.0m Trait:  Final Strike
 Call To Wild Buff Any 2m Self Trait:  Call To Wild

Set Bonuses

Set Bonus Description Source
 Flayer of Evil Buff Set: 5+ total ranks
 Battle Born Buff Set: 10+ total ranks
 Sharpened Claws Improves skill Ferocious Roar Set: 15+ total ranks
 Brutal Energy Changes skill Relentless Maul to Brutal Maul Set: 20+ total ranks
 Rake Improves skill Claw Swipe Set: 25+ total ranks
 Raining Blows Improves skill Thrash Set: 30+ total ranks
 Wrathful Buff Set: 35+ total ranks


Tree Traits Description Source
 Thrash Damage Improves skill Thrash Trait: 0+ ranks
 Quick Claws Buff Trait: 0+ ranks
 Nature's Wrath Gain skill Nature's Wrath Trait: 0+ ranks
 Bleed Damage Buff and improves skill Slash Trait: 5+ ranks
 Trample Gain skill Trample Trait: 5+ ranks
 Improved Trample Improves skill Trample Trait: 5+ ranks, Trample (1)
 Weakening Blow Improves skill Slam Trait: 10+ ranks
 Lumber Improves skill Rush Trait: 10+ ranks
 Serrated Edge Changes skill Biting Edge to Serrated Edge Trait: 10+ ranks
 Savage Blows Buff Trait: 15+ ranks
 Crippling Stings Improves skill Bee Swarm Trait: 15+ ranks
 Execute Gain skill Execute Trait: 15+ ranks
 Turn the Tides Improves skill Nature's Vengeance Trait: 20+ ranks
 Savage Knockdown Gain skill Savage Knockdown Trait: 20+ ranks, Moment of Opportunity (2)
 Moment of Opportunity Improves skills: Execute, Final Strike, Savage Knockdown Trait: 20+ ranks, Execute (1)
 Composure Changes skill Hearten to Composure Trait: 25+ ranks
 Blood Prize Gain skill Blood Prize Trait: 25+ ranks
 Final Strike Gain skill Final Strike Trait: 25+ ranks, Moment of Opportunity (2)
 Broad Thrash Improves skill Thrash Trait: 30+ ranks
 Call To Wild Gain skill Call To Wild Trait: 30+ ranks