The Claw Skills

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These skills are acquired by spending trait points in the Claw (red) trait tree. You can only obtain the Set skills if you specialize in this tree.

Active Skills Category Form Cooldown Range Source
 Bash Melee + DoT Bear 12s 5m Set: Initial Skill
 Expose Melee + Debuff Any 5s 4/5m Set: Initial Skill
 Nature's Wrath Melee Bear 8s 5m Trait:  Nature's Wrath
 Trample Melee Bear 12s 5m Trait:  Trample
 Serrated Edge Melee AoE + DoT Bear 8s 5.0m Trait:  Serrated Edge
 Execute Melee Bear 30s 5m Trait:  Execute
 Brutal Maul Melee Channel Bear 30s 5m Set:  Brutal Energy
 Savage Knockdown Melee AoE + Knockdown Bear 30s 5.0m Trait:  Savage Knockdown
 Composure Heal Man 20s Self Trait:  Composure
 Blood Prize Buff Any 1m30s Self Trait:  Blood Prize
 Final Strike Melee AoE Bear 30s 5.0m Trait:  Final Strike
 Call To Wild Buff Any 2m Self Trait:  Call To Wild