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Image of Bandron
Gender Male
Race Man
Region Western Gondor
Area Tarlang's Neck
Map Ref [61.0S, 61.3W]


Bandron is a man of Gondor who works for the merchant Galengam. Bandron and his son Nethadan are transporting goods from Calembel to Morlad in the Blackroot Vale. Later, he is encountered in the road to Minas Tirith in the area of Lossarnach, transporting Cemenduril liquor. Still later, he's found near Osgiliath after the battle of the Pellenor Fields.

Quest Involvement

Bandron (King's Gondor)

Image of Bandron
Gender Male
Race Man
Region King's Gondor
Area Lamedon (King's Gondor)
Settlement Calembel (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [67.4S, 55.3W]


Bandron, still under the employ of Galengam in the months following the War of the Ring, can be found back home in Calembel in King's Gondor. He is putting up notices informing people that his employer is moving shop to Minas Tirith.

Quest Involvement