Warden Gambit Chains

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Wardens can execute a series of Gambits sequentially to bolster the effects of the final Gambit. This is called a Gambit Chain. Gambit Chains begin with a short 2-step Gambit and finish with a longer Gambit called the finishing skill or finisher. All Gambits in the Chain must be completed in order within the allotted duration in order to receive the buff to the finishing skill.

In the case where there are multiple finishers available in a Gambit Chain, only one can be executed in a given chain, as it will consume the finishing blow effect.

Impressive Flourish Gambit Chain

Gambits Icons Chain Effects
 Impressive Flourish  Impressive Flourish Gambit Chain - Step 1
 Maddening Strike  Finishing Blow - Impressive Flourish
 Dance of War (Finisher)  Battle Evasion (increased rating buffs)
 Conviction (Finisher)  Strength of Conviction (increased rating buffs)
 Conviction (increased healing)

Persevere Gambit Chain

Gambits Icons Chain Effects
 Persevere  Persevere Gambit Chain - Step 1
 Safeguard  Finishing Blow - Persevere
 Celebration of Skill (Finisher)  Enduring Expert Shieldwork (increased Block rating and increased Partial Block Chance and Incoming Healing percentages)
 Restoration (Finisher)  Restoration Heal over Time (increased healing)

Power Attack Gambit Chain

Although technically not a Gambit Chain, this sequence does buff Gambits when performed in order and is therefore included for completeness.
Unlike a true Gambit Chain, the entire sequence does not need to be performed to deal increased damage.

Gambits Icons Chain Effects
 Power Attack  Power Attack (on target)
 Mighty Blow  Mighty Blow (on target)
Bonus damage if used after Power Attack.
 Unerring Strike Bonus damage if used after Mighty Blow.

Precise Blow/Throw Gambit Chain

Although technically not a Gambit Chain, these two sequences are mentioned in some Warden traits and are therefore included for completeness.
Unlike a true Gambit Chain, using the skills in order does not provide any bonuses.

Gambits Icons Chain Effects
 Precise Blow
 Piercing Strike
 Spear of Virtue
Gambits Icons Chain Effects
 Precise Throw
 Piercing Toss
 Javelin of Virtue

Ranged Offensive Strike Gambit Chain

Although technically not a Gambit Chain, this sequence does debuff the target when performed in order and is therefore included for completeness.
Each step of the Chain increases the -% Outgoing Damage Buff on the target.

Gambits Icons Chain Effects
 Ranged Offensive Strike  Suppression (on target)
 Ranged Combination Strike  Suppression (on target)
 Ranged Boar's Rush  Suppression (on target)

War-cry Gambit Chain

Gambits Icons Chain Effects
 War-cry  War-cry Gambit Chain - Step 1
 Brink of Victory  Finishing Blow - War-cry
 Surety of Death (Finisher)  Enduring Expert Evasion (increased Evade rating buff)
 Desolation (Finisher)  Desolation (increased Miss Chance debuff)