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About me

English literature in high school introduced me to Tolkien, through The Hobbit. It was maybe surprising that it took me so many years to make the acquaintance with Tolkien's works - but then it didn't take a long time to read Lord of the Rings as well; and I probably re-read it every 3-4 years or so. And of course I was captivated by the movies, which seemed so much in line with how Middle Earth looked in my imagination - or rather, in Tolkien's visual descriptions. Finding the game was simply a matter of time - then still as a paid game (Shadows of Angmar box set). After some time of intensive playing, I found myself in a situation with not much free time at hand. Later I was quite disappointed to find the game had transitioned to free-to-play and I didn't return for some years. However I've been more or less active since 2018, leveling slowly through what in the old day was the cap (65) to 100 in 2019 and 130 in 2020 during midsummer (I find events very good for leveling), and now 140. Yeah, I take it slowly :-) I used to be on server Snowbourn but since its closure I'm on Evernight.

On Steam I have a gallery with the best of my LotRO screenshots :-)

I'm also an Editor here on the wiki.


Below are my current characters - Captain Skartakh from Gondor, and his cousin Guardian Skarliman from Bree-land (brother of the Prancing Pony's innkeeper). One is a farmer and the other a cook, so together Skar & Skar can help you with beer, pipe-weed, coffee, or something else - see more below. Clan father Skarlord has recently arrived in Middle-Earth as well.

Class Character Race Level Vocation 1st Profession 2nd Profession 3rd Profession Guilds & Standing
Skartakh Man 150 Historian Master Scholar of Umbar Master Farmer of Gundabad (Master Weaponsmith of Gundabad)
Prospector of the Ironfold
Scholar's Guild : Umbar Guild Member

(Weaponsmith's Guild : Apprentice of the Guild)

Skarliman Man 78 Tinker Master Jeweller of Umbar Prospector of Umbar Master Cook of Gundabad Cook's Guild : Honoured Master of the Guild

Jeweller's Guild : Guild Initiate

Skarlord Man 27 Yeoman Master Expert Cook Apprentice Farmer Tailor Cook's Guild :

Tailor's Guild :

Skarlady Man 5 - - - - - :

Tailor's Guild :

Also feel free to pop by our very cosy houses, they are open for you to get yourself a drink near the fireplace!

Skar & Skar, Purveyors of Fine Goods

For relaxing times in Middle-Earth, Skar & Skar (est. 2020) is proud to be available for the following goods:

Need a fix-up and increased run speed?

For your combat needs, we can help you with the following foods:

And of course for lore's sake, we can also supply you with Lembas!

We can also help with scrolls and athelas:

Please enquire in-game on Evernight with Skartakh or Skarliman if you are looking for other farmer, cook or scholar items - Skar & Skar will be happy to try and procure them for you.

Useful links

Captain Skartakh is often dressed in his Grey Company garb, such as here in front of The Hill, near Hobbiton