User:Mirfain/Seldithen Marillë
This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Seldithen Marillë | |
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Sons of Gondor | |
World: | Elendilmir |
Vocation: | Historian |
Class: | Rune-keeper |
Race: | Elf |
Region: | Mirkwood |
Age: | Unknown |
Height: | 6'2" |
Sex: | Female |
Skin: | Pale |
Hair: | Grey |
Eye: | Grey |
Physical Description:
Personality Description:
Seldithen Marillë is one of the oldest of the Noldor, born in Valinor during the Days of the Two Trees before the Sun and Moon were envisioned by the Valar. She was a kin of Finarfin and lived in total bliss until the destruction of Telperion and Laurelin. When much of her kindred forsook The Undying Lands and followed Fëanor to Middle-Earth in pursuit of The Silmarils, she remained with all that was left of the kindred of Finarfin. Her heart was filled with sorrow at the loss of her friend, Alatáriel as well as most of her kin, but there were no words that could persuade them to stay. Many long years she stayed in Valinor, studying the Runes of Fëanor and becoming a master of healing the wounds left by Morgoth and, regrettably, her kindred. Finally, at the Festival of Valinor one year, a strange being came upon them. He was a man, Eärendil of Middle-Earth. He brought with him a Silmaril and a plea for the Valar. Seldithen was filled with wonder and sadness and she longed to know more about the dealings in Middle-Earth. She wandered to the Haven and spoke to Eärendil's wife, Elwing, about Morgoth's destruction and reign on Beleriand. She was happy to hear the Valar declare war against Morgoth once and for all. She, of course, went with the Elven host across the sea and to battle. Upon setting foot on Middle-Earth, her fate was decided. She was to use her powers of healing, as well as her newly discovered powers of destruction, to change the course of Middle-Earth. After the sinking of Beleriand, she spent much time with her friend Alatáriel, now Galadriel, before helping Eärendil's son, Elrond Halfelven, build the secret Elven refuge of Imladris. She currently dwells there but also travels on occasion to Lorien to take council with Galadriel and Celeborn. She also carries messages to Mírfain Gwanunig, Hunter and Guide from Lindon, who guides their folk to Círdan's Ships at The Grey Havens. Although she never forsook The Undying Lands, her destiny is to stay in Middle-Earth 'til her death. Even upon her death she will await the Dagor Dagorath, when she can use her powers to help create a new Arda.
Family | Friends | Enemies
- Bree-Land: Walnut
- Blonde Sorrel: Coriander
- Mírfain Gwanunig
- Mirabelle Banks
- Ricellen Wartooth
- Nimmir Skwigelf
- Meagera Broden
- Moanna Faervanel
- Celaireth Skwigelf
- RiotBecky Pipette
- N/A
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