User:Mirfain/Moanna Faervanel
This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Moanna Faervanel | |
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Conviction | |
World: | Elendilmir |
Vocation: | Armsman |
Class: | Captain |
Race: | Human |
Region: | Gondor |
Age: | 28 |
Height: | 5'6" |
Sex: | Female |
Skin: | Tan |
Hair: | Dark Brown |
Eye: | Grey |
Physical Description:
Tall and proud, like most women of Gondor, Moanna walks a fine line between plain and beautiful. She takes pride in her appearance, but only so much. Her hair is long and beautiful and her skin slightly tanned from battle. She is extremely lucky to have not received any battle-scars in her years serving Gondor. Many men of Minas Tirith have held her beauty in high regard, but it's because of her skills in tactics and warfare that makes her all the more appealing.
Personality Description:
When Moanna was young, she was a typical girl and wanted to learn from her mother how to be a good wife. When her father started training her brother in the use of various weapons, Moanna was very interested as well. She was all the more intrigued when she was told that, because she was a woman, she wasn't to wield weapons or fight for her city. Slightly stubborn and eager to prove her father wrong, she set her mind to becoming one of the greatest captains in all of Minas Tirith.
Moanna Faervanel was born in Minas Tirith and is the younger sister of famous Gondorian Captain, Shiveras Faervanel. They have always been close, in age as well as in friendship. When Shiveras was being trained by their father, Geoffrey, to become a captain, he would use Moanna as a practice dummy. Geoffrey would never allow Moanna to become a captain, but being smart and quick to learn, she soon picked up on battle moves and counter-attacks from her mock battles with Shiveras. Her mother, Amelia, longed to teach Moanna all she knew about being a good wife of a soldier; to cook, clean, and mend clothing, but Moanna was only interested in war and learning, secretly, as much as she could about weapons, strategies, and moves. When the war with Mordor worsened, and Shiveras was sent to battle, Moanna was struck with a mix of jealous and fear for her brother. She disguised herself as a man and, using the alias 'Mo', enlisted for the Fourth Guard under the command of Captain Gerrick. She immediately established herself as a brilliant tactical commander, a master at arms, and a dependable friend; braving all enemies and elements for her country and fellow footmen. Thus, because of her skill and popularity, Gerrick quickly promoted her to be his First Marshall.
Then, the unthinkable happened; both her and Shiveras' troops were sent to Osgiliath under the command of Captain-General Boromir. Though rumour of her skill had travelled troop to troop, Mo was determinded to prove her worth to her brother by fighting alongside him on the battlefield. She was ready to show who the truely was. All was under control when suddenly Mo and Shiveras, along with 5 footmen and 2 guardsmen, found themselves on the opposite side of the Osgiliath bridge when it was collapsed by their foes. After a rally and some quick planning by Mo, the nine used their position to their advantage and charged the enemy from behind. They changed the course of the battle, turning almost defeat into one of the most heroic victories in Gondorian history. The afternoon after the battle, during the great feast held in her honor, Mo marched up to Shiveras and Boromir and proudly revealed who she truely was. She was embraced by her brother and the Captain-General and taken back to Minas Tirith to have a meeting with Denethor, Stewert of Gondor. He declared that because of the renown she had earned in battle, she was not only permitted to remain in the guard, but took over the position of Captain of the Fourth Guard due to the death of Gerrick during the attack.
Not only did Mo make a terrific Captain (bettered only by her own brother) and serve her country in battle, she also became quite a weaponsmith and helped her father arm the men of Minas Tirith with great swords to use against their foes. Then, unexpectedly, both Shiveras and Mo were called by Denethor the Stewert and given the assignment of finding his son Boromir and returning him to Gondor. He claimed to have grim news for the Captain-General's ears only. Neither Mo nor Shiveras questioned the Stewerts motives in sending both his best Captains on errand during such a time, especially if the news was a grim as Denethor had implied, but set off the next morning for the lands of Eriador in the North in search for the Elven Refuge of Rivendell, the last known destination of their Lord.
Family | Friends | Enemies
- Bree-Land: Walnut
- Chestnut: Huck
- Father: Geoffrey Faervanel
- Mother: Amelia Faevanel
- Brother: Shiveras Faervanel
- Mírfain Gwanunig
- Mirabelle Banks
- Ricellen Wartooth
- Nimmir Skwigelf
- Meagera Broden
- Seldithen Marillë
- Celaireth Skwigelf
- RiotBecky Pipette
- N/A
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